# Config v3 sample proposal # Ordering can be restructured later. Links and nodes will be at the top for now # This sample as of 1/5/2023 takes the graph flow from the following link: # https://lucid.app/lucidchart/7a81d31b-182b-4899-9ed8-a73a45ffd6e3/edit?viewport_loc=216%2C-141%2C2048%2C1043%2C0_0&invitationId=inv_921749ea-9a65-48c4-904d-00272fe05727 # all links are defined in this sections links: - from: my_file_input to: mask_password - from: my_file_input to: ed_debug_output - from: another_file_input to: mask_password - from: my_tcp_input to: mask_password - from: my_udp_input to: mask_password - from: my_http_input to: mask_password - from: my_https_input to: mask_password - from: my_container_input to: my_s3 - from: mask_password to: extract_msg_field - from: extract_msg_field to: mask_credit_card - from: extract_msg_field to: log_to_metric - from: mask_credit_card to: example_router - from: extract_msg_field to: log_to_pattern - from: log_to_metric to: CN_A_team->CN_A_team_input - from: CN_A_team->CN_A_team_output to: my_elastic - from: example_router path: ns=edgedelta to: my_s3 - from: example_router path: pre_elastic to: my_elastic - from: log_to_metric to: my_elastic - from: log_to_pattern to: my_elastic - from: ed_agent_stats to: ed_metrics - from: ed_system_stats to: ed_metrics - from: ed_container_stats to: ed_metrics - from: ed_pipeline_io_stats to: ed_metrics - from: ed_component_health to: ed_health - from: ed_node_health to: ed_health nodes: ### Inputs ### - name: my_file_input type: file_input path: "path/to/my_logs/logs.txt" # Detects line patterns automatically based on the Ragel FSM Based Lexical Recognition process. No need to specify line_pattern explicitly. auto_detect_line_pattern: true # stack trace detector only runs in auto line detection mode boost_stacktrace_detection: true # These are list of regexes that will be run against glob path's captures and will be discarded if there is a match enable_persisting_cursor: true # with this flag all files are working individually. separate_source: true # ingest timestamp if input is JSON format. add_ingestion_time: true # skip ingestion time when the input is broken or invalid format. skip_ingestion_time_on_failure: true exclude: - "/etc/systemd/system/billingservice/test.log" - "/etc/systemd/system/billingservice/dev.log" user_description: | A user-defined description of the Node. Users may add any additional comments describing the function of their node. This is useful to put some notes into the config file since YAML comment lines ("#") are not persisted due to automated marshal/unmarshal of YAML. - name: another_file_input type: file_input path: "/etc/systemd/system/**/*.log" # Line pattern helps the system recognize lines. # If your lines do not start with a commonly known pattern then provide a value for a better # experience. In this case the logs are JSON-formatted and it is desired to preserve the # timestamp of the log instead of when it was ingested. line_pattern: '^{"@timestamp":"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}' # stack trace detector only runs in auto line detection mode boost_stacktrace_detection: true # These are list of regexes that will be run against glob path's captures and will be discarded if there is a match enable_persisting_cursor: true # with this flag all files are working individually. separate_source: true exclude: - "/etc/systemd/system/billingservice/test.log" - "/etc/systemd/system/billingservice/dev.log" - name: my_container_input type: file_input path: "path/to/my_container_logs/logs.json" # Field 'log' is extracted from the JSON logs of the container(s). docker_mode: true # Detects line patterns automatically based on the Ragel FSM Based Lexical Recognition process. # No need to specify line_pattern explicitly. auto_detect_line_pattern: true # Stacktrace detector only runs in auto line detection mode boost_stacktrace_detection: true - name: my_k8s_input type: kubernetes_input include: - "k8s.pod.name=^apache.*$,k8s.namespace.name=.*web*" exclude: - "k8s.namespace.name=^kube-nginx$" - "k8s.pod.name=.*nginx*,k8s.container.name=testing" resource_fields: pod_labels: - app.kubernetes.io/instance - app.kubernetes.io/name - helm.sh/chart - kubernetes.io/.* pod_annotations: - cluster-autoscaler.kubernetes.io/safe-to-evict - cluster-autoscaler.kubernetes.io/.* node_labels: - beta.kubernetes.io/arch - beta.kubernetes.io/instance-type - eks.amazonaws.com/.* - topology.kubernetes.io/zone namespace_labels: - kubernetes.io/metadata.name - name # If "line_pattern" regex rule is specified in the agent config, then agent process lines not for New Line("\n") but for this specific line separation rule. line_pattern: '^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}' preserve_original_timestamp: true enable_persisting_cursor: true - name: fast_demo type: demo_input events_per_sec: 1 log_type: "apache_common" # List of supported log types are: "apache_combined_simple", "apache_common", "apache_common_json", "apache_combined", "apache_combined_json", "apache_error", "rfc3164", "rfc5424", "common_log", "infoblox_dns_event", "infoblox_dns_response", "api_log", "nginx_log", "redis_log", "clickhouse_log", "json_log", "core_dns_log" - name: welcomes_script type: exec_input run_interval: 10s command: "/bin/sh -c" script: | for i in {1..50} do echo "Welcome $i times" done - name: my_tcp_input type: tcp_input port: 3421 read_timeout: 10s read_size: 10 - name: otlp type: otlp_input port: 8585 data_type: "log" # "log" or "metric", only one should be selected - name: my_udp_input type: udp_input port: 3421 read_timeout: 10s - name: my_http_input type: http_input port: 8080 included_paths: - /v1/.* # List of regexes that will be used for enabling paths, if not defined all request will be accepted authentication: strategy: Bearer # Supported ones: "Bearer" and "Basic" secret: "testXYZ" # Required when "type" is "Bearer" username: Alice # Required when "type" is "Basic" password: p@ssword # Required when "type" is "Basic" - name: my_https_input type: http_input port: 8080 tls: ca_file: /var/run/secrets/secure-forward/ca-bundle.crt crt_file: /var/run/secrets/secure-forward/tls.crt key_file: /var/run/secrets/secure-forward/tls.key ignore_certificate_check: true - name: my_fluentd_input type: fluentd_input port: 9898 read_timeout: 60s shared_key: my_shared_key tls: ca_file: /var/run/secrets/secure-forward/ca-bundle.crt crt_file: /var/run/secrets/secure-forward/tls.crt key_file: /var/run/secrets/secure-forward/tls.key ignore_certificate_check: true # k8s_traffic_input can be used to collect pod traffic metrics # Agent will use tracer package to listen to communications and produce metrics based on these # The dimensions for these metrics are protocol, role, URI, method, response_code, client_namespace, client_controller, server_namespace, server_controller # Metrics generated will be "ed_k8s_traffic_latency", "ed_k8s_traffic_communication", "ed_k8s_traffic_in_throughput" and "ed_k8s_traffic_out_throughput" # "ed_k8s_traffic_latency" will only be generated for HTTP traffic - name: my_kafka_input type: kafka_input endpoint: "something" # Kafka topic to listen to. topic: "topic" group_id: "my-group" - name: ed_k8s_traffic type: k8s_traffic_input include: - "k8s.namespace.name=default" exclude: - "k8s.namespace.name=^kube-system$" # Buffer size to be allocated for eBPF programme. It should be divisible by the page size of the machine agent is running at without any remainder # Default is 32KiB (32 * 1024 bytes) buffer_size: 32KiB # k8s_event_input can be used to k8s events from the cluster # Agent will use leader election to select one of the agents and this agent will collect all of the events # Events will have 'item.type=event' attribute key-value pair and can be searchable under log search if connected to an "ed_archive_output" node - name: ed_k8s_events type: k8s_event_input report_interval: 1m # ED Agent Stats node captures the stats of the agent. - name: ed_agent_stats type: ed_agent_stats_input report_interval: 30s # ED System Stats node captures the stats of the system in which the agent is running. - name: ed_system_stats type: ed_system_stats_input report_interval: 1m # ED Container Stats node captures the stats of the container in which the agent is running. - name: ed_container_stats type: ed_container_stats_input report_interval: 2m # ED Pipeline IO Stats node receives incoming metrics from sources # and outgoing metrics from pushers. Emits these metrics # periodically and by default we have a link from this node to # ED Metrics node which powers various things ED app. This # node can be linked to any destination that supports metric item # type. # *NOTE*: It's not recommended to remove the link between ED # Pipeline IO Stats and ED Metrics. - name: ed_pipeline_io_stats type: ed_pipeline_io_stats_input # ED K8s metrics input node receives the metrics data of the k8s cluster. - name: ed_k8s_metrics type: ed_k8s_metrics_input # [Optional] Exclude some of the metric types from the collection. # Default collected metric types: [cadvisor, node_exporter, kubelet, kube_state_metrics] exclude: - node_exporter # Interval at which the Edge Delta agent scrapes metric endpoints. Default value is 1m. scrape_interval: 1m # ED Component Health node receives the health data of each of the components in the graph. - name: ed_component_health type: ed_component_health_input # ED Node Health node receives the health data of each of the nodes in the graph. - name: ed_node_health type: ed_node_health_input - name: example_router type: route paths: # [Required] Path name to distinguish when adding a link from route node - path: "pre_elastic" # [Required] Expression used to evaluate the log item. Default is CEL expression format. condition: regex_match(item["body"], "(?i)ERROR") # [Optional] When set to true: if the evaluation returns true, it will be the last evaluation done by route node. Default is false. exit_if_matched: true - path: "ns=edgedelta" condition: item["resource"]["k8s.namespace.name"] == "edgedelta" ### Processors ### - name: filter_logs_with_regex type: regex_filter pattern: '{{ Env "PATTERN" }}' negate: true - name: filter_logs_with_regex_on_subpath type: regex_filter pattern: "us-(west|east)-2" # Dot separated field path to match given pattern. Fields containing dot (.) in it should be escaped via slash (\) field_path: environment - name: grok_processor type: grok pattern: "%{APACHE_COMMON}" - name: mask_password type: mask pattern: 'password:\s*(?P\w+)' capture_group_masks: - capture_group: pw mask: "******" - name: extract_msg_field type: extract_json_field # Field path is a dot separated path of the field (i.e. "log.message"). Its value will be extracted and the original json content will be discarded field_path: "message" # keep_log_if_failed is useful when filter processes mixed json and non-json logs and non-json logs should be kept and ingested as original keep_log_if_failed: true - name: extract_first_data type: extract_json_field # Field path can support indexing extraction as well field_path: "records[0].data" - name: extract_all_data type: extract_json_field # field path can support fetching all indexes using [*]. In that case all the items of array will be ingested into agent as separate log field_path: "records[*].data" - name: mask_credit_card type: mask predefined_pattern: credit_card # The unescape node unescapes characters from a string. This would be useful when working with compressed strings that have escape characters in them # or when dealing with escaped json. # process_field is an optional parameter, if it is not defined the body field of the payload will be unescaped # field_path is an optional parameter defining the location the unescaped value will be upserted to. If field_path is not defined, the unescaped value will be upserted into it's original location. - name: unescape_characters type: unescape_json process_field: item["body"] field_path: item.attributes.unescaped - name: log_to_metric type: log_to_metric # Pattern to match for incoming log item, it would match "body" field of it. # Given regular expression might include a capture group or not. # If one or more dimension group will be defined, then there should be at least one # capture group definition. pattern: 'error|ERROR|err|ERR service: (?P\w+) duration: (?P\d+)ms' # Interval defines in which time duration this processor flushes metric items. # Can also be defined at dimension group level. # Its default value is 1m. interval: 1m # Retention is used for anomaly stats to have a lookback period for previous items. # Anything older than given period will be discarded. # Can also be defined at dimension group level. # Its default value is 3h. retention: 3h # Metric name will be used for overriding the metric name that will be generated via this processor. # If not given, processor name will be used as metric name. metric_name: "error" # By default, metrics with dimension groups has dimension names and values inside the metric name. # By setting dimensions_as_attributes: true, these dimensions will be added to metric item as attributes. # Can also be defined at dimension group level. dimensions_as_attributes: true # Stats to be reported via this processor. # Valid options are: "count", "sum", "avg", "min", "max", "p25", "p75", "p95", "p99", "stddev", "anomaly1", "anomaly2", "anomalymin". # special stat types: # anomalymin: it takes min of anomaly1 and anomaly2. useful to reduce the alert noise # Can also be defined at dimension group level. # defaults: # count, anomaly1 and anomaly2 metrics are generated for occurrence captures. # count, min, max, avg, anomaly1 and anomaly2 metrics are generated for numeric captures. enabled_stats: ["count", "sum", "anomaly1"] # Value adjustment rules define how to change value of any numeric capture group. # While running the processor, obtained value will be changed with 'value' variable. value_adjustment_rules: - numeric_dimension: duration expression: "value + 200.0" # Group by defines how to aggregate log items based on their properties. # Each entry should be an expression (CEL or Go template). # When group_by is unset, metrics are grouped by their source (ie. this would be item["resource"]["__group_name"]). group_by: - item["resource"]["ed.filepath"] # Histogram limit defines the maximum number of possible histograms to be created per dimension group # or processor itself (if no dimension group is defined). Its default is 1000. histogram_limit: 5000 # Dimension groups is used for grouping up attributes for metrics. # There can be one or more dimension group. dimension_groups: - dimensions: ["service"] # the field is the dimension and the value of the dimension is the value of the field field_dimensions: [ 'item["attributes"]["extracted_field"]', 'item["attributes"]["extracted_field_two"]', ] numeric_dimension: "duration" # Custom suffix will be added to metric name like _.. custom_suffix: "by_duration" # If a numeric dimension is defined, value adjustment rule will be used primarily. value_adjustment_rule: "value * 5.0" - dimensions: ["service"] # only numeric dimension or field_numeric_dimension can be defined, not both. # The dimension will be the field and the numeric capture will be the value of the field. field_numeric_dimension: item["attributes"]["numeric_field"] # ---------------- Dimension Counter Node Examples ---------------- # If named captures in regex pattern are dimensions and dimension groups are given, then occurrence stats will be generated. # In this example occurrence count for each HTTP method will be generated. # http_method_get.count, http_method_post.count... - name: http type: log_to_metric # If you copy paste it into node testing UI, please copy the string between single quotes. pattern: '] "(?P\w+)' enabled_stats: ["count", "anomalymin"] dimension_groups: - dimensions: ["method"] # This is another dimension counter with dimensions_as_attributes: true. # The metrics generated from this node has the same name but different attribute values. The dimension key/value is sent as an attribute. # Sample generated metrics are following: # http_single.count 1 {method="get"} # http_single.anomaly1 25 {method="get"} # http_single.count 1 {method="post"} # http_single.anomaly1 25 {method="post"} # http_single.count 2 {httpversion="1.1"} # http_single.anomaly1 25 {httpversion="1.1"} # http_single.count 2 {code="200"} # http_single.anomaly1 25 {code="200"} - name: "http_single" type: log_to_metric # If you copy paste it into node testing UI, please copy the string between single quotes. pattern: '] "(?P\w+) (?P\S*) (?P\S*)" (?P\d+)' dimensions_as_attributes: true dimension_groups: - dimensions: ["method"] - dimensions: ["httpversion"] - dimensions: ["code"] # An example of dimension counter with the use of dimensions_groups to group up attributes for metrics. # custom_suffix can be used to customize metric name generated from a dimensions_group. # There can be a single or multiple dimensions groups. # Sample generated metrics are following: # http_group.count 1 {method="get", code="200"} # http_group.anomaly1 25 {method="get", code="200"} # http_group.count 1 {method="post", code="200"} # http_group.anomaly1 25 {method="post", code="200"} # http_group_by_version.count 1 {method="get", httpversion="1.1"} # http_group_by_version.anomaly1 25 {method="get", httpversion="1.1"} # http_group_by_version.count 1 {method="post", httpversion="1.1"} # http_group_by_version.anomaly1 25 {method="post", httpversion="1.1"} - name: http_group type: log_to_metric # If you copy paste it into node testing UI, please copy the string between single quotes. pattern: '] "(?P\w+) (?P\S*)" (?P\d+)' dimensions_as_attributes: true dimension_groups: - dimensions: ["method", "code"] - dimensions: ["method", "httpversion"] custom_suffix: "by_version" # An example of dimension numeric capture with the use of dimensions_groups to group up attributes for metrics. # The numeric dimension can be specified in order the capture numeric data from the logs. # Sample log: 2022-08-20 08:21:14.288134 response=201 loglevel=INFO ostype=Unix service=one-packaging-ui source=syslog-test duration=41 svcTime=59128524 # Sample metrics generated from following processors: # apidata_duration.avg 41 {"service":"one-packaging-ui source=syslog-test", "ostype":"Unix"} # With custom_suffix being used, the metric will be like following: # apidata_duration_test_suffix.avg 41 {"service":"one-packaging-ui source=syslog-test", "ostype":"Unix"} - name: apidata type: log_to_metric pattern: ostype=(?P\w+).+?service=(?P.+?)\sduration=(?P\d+) dimensions_as_attributes: true enabled_stats: ["avg"] dimension_groups: - dimensions: ["service", "ostype"] numeric_dimension: "duration" custom_suffix: "test_suffix" # ---------------- Dimension Numeric Capture Node Example ---------------- # If both dimension and numeric captures defined in regex pattern and also in one of the dimension group(s), then numeric stats per dimension per numeric value will be generated. # In this example numeric stats for each HTTP method will be generated such as: # http_request_method_get_latency.[avg|min|max|p95|p99|sum], http_request_method_post_latency.[avg|min|max|p95|p99|sum] - name: "http_request" type: log_to_metric # If you copy paste it into node testing UI, please copy the string between single quotes. pattern: '] "(?P\w+) took (?P\d+) ms' interval: 1m retention: 1h skip_empty_intervals: true dimension_groups: - dimensions: ["method"] numeric_dimension: "latency" - name: log_to_pattern type: log_to_pattern num_of_clusters: 15 samples_per_cluster: 1 reporting_frequency: 3m retire_period: 10m throttle_limit_per_sec: 200 group_by: - item["resource"]["src_type"] # ---------------- Threshold Node Example ---------------- # This is an example of threshold node. Input of the node is a metric item (generated from log_to_metric node) and output is a signal. # The condition is evaluated for each metric item and if the condition is true, then a signal is generated. # Syntax for the "filter" and "condition" field follows the syntax of Common Expression Language (CEL). More info about it can be found here: https://github.com/google/cel-spec/blob/master/doc/langdef.md # The filter expression has to refer to the metric item fields using the term "item". For example, item["_name"] refers to the metric item name and item["_value"] refers to the metric item value. # The filter expression can also refer to the some other metric item attributes. For example, item["resource"]["k8s.namespace.name"] refers to the k8s namespace of the metric item. # The condition expression has to refer to the metric item value using the term "value". # The "consecutive" field is optional and it specifies the number of consecutive times that the condition has to be true for the signal to be generated. - name: example_threshold type: threshold filter: item["_name"] == "error.count" && (item["resource"]["k8s.namespace.name"] == "edgedelta" || item["resource"]["k8s.namespace.name"] == "default") condition: value > 10 consecutive: 5 - name: capture_group_log_level_detection type: log_level_detector # If you copy paste it into node testing UI, please copy the string between single quotes. pattern: ' level=(\w+) ' fallback_value: "unknown" - name: enrichment type: enrich field_mappings: - field_name: pod_id value: regex_capture(item["resource"]["ed.filepath"], "/var/logs/(?P(.+))/.*")["id"] - field_name: deployment_name value: from_k8s(item["pod_id"], "k8s.deployment.name") - field_name: namespace value: from_k8s(item["pod_id"], "k8s.namespace.name") - field_name: instance_id value: ec2_metadata("instance-id") - field_name: cluster value: first_non_empty([env("UNDEFINED_CLUSTER"), env("CLUSTER"), "default-cluster"]) - field_name: instance_name value: gcp_metadata("instance.name") - field_name: app_host value: item["resource"]["host.name"] - field_name: tag value: | % gotemplate {{ .item.resource.ed.tag }} override_if_exists: true - field_name: service_name value: json(item["body"]).messages[0].service - name: split_with_comma type: split_with_delimiter delimiter: "," - name: decode_base64 type: base64_decode - name: decompress_gzip type: gzip_decompress - name: resource_transform type: resource_transform transformations: - field_path: k8s.container.name value: json(item["body"]).kubernetes.container.name - field_path: k8s.namespace.name value: json(item["body"]).kubernetes.namespace - field_path: k8s.pod.name value: '"-"' # ---------------- TopK Node Example ---------------- - name: top_api_requests type: top_k pattern: (?P\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+) - \w+ \[.*\] "(?P\w+) (?P.+) HTTP\/\d.0" (?P.+) \d+ k: 10 interval: 30s lower_limit: 5 separator: "," group_by: - item["resource"]["src_type"] # ---------------- OpenTSDB metric Processor Example ---------------- # This processor is used to generate metrics from OpenTSDB metric data. # Supported metric data format is "put " # Tags are optional. This processor outputs metrics as is. - name: otsdb_metric type: opentsdb_parse - name: request_error_ratio # calculates ratio with following formula: failure / (failure+success) type: ratio success_pattern: "request succeeded" failure_pattern: "request failed" # Interval defines in which time duration this processor flushes metric items. # Can also be defined at dimension group level. # Its default value is 1m. interval: 1m # Retention is used for anomaly stats to have a lookback period for previous items. # Anything older than given period will be discarded. # Can also be defined at dimension group level. # Its default value is 3h. retention: 3h # Metric name will be used for overriding the metric name that will be generated via this processor. # If not given, processor name will be used as metric name. metric_name: "request_ratio" # Group by defines how to aggregate log items based on their properties. # Each entry should be an expression (CEL or Go template). # When group_by is unset, metrics are grouped by their source (ie. this would be item["resource"]["__group_name"] or item["resource"]["__logical_source"] if aggregator in place). group_by: - item["resource"]["ed.filepath"] # Histogram limit defines the maximum number of possible histograms to be created for this processor. Its default is 1000. histogram_limit: 5000 # Log transforms apply operations to specified fields within logs. Field_path is a dot notated field path # that doesn't use the item prefix. field_path references to fields with dots in them can be escaped with /. # "body" and "resource" fields are protected and can't be edited. Edits to those fields will return a validation error. # Upserts allow CEL expressions for the value. Invalid CEL expressions will result in an empty string for that field. Valid expressions that result in null will be added to the item as empty strings. # Operations are applied in the order they are defined. # Some example operations are: upsert, delete - name: log_transform_msg_as_raw type: log_transform transformations: - field_path: "attributes.host/.name" operation: "upsert" value: item["_parsed"]["msg"] - field_path: "role" operation: "delete" # Output transforms apply operations to specified fields within logs. Field_path is a dot notated field path # that does not use the item prefix. field_path references to fields with dots in them can be escaped with /. # Upserts allow CEL expressions for the value. Invalid CEL expressions will result in an empty string for that field. Valid expressions that result in null will be added to the item as empty strings. # Operations are applied in the order they are defined. # Some example operations are: upsert, delete - name: output_transform type: output_transform transformations: - field_path: "_ed" operation: "upsert" value: item["attributes"] - field_path: "raw_updated.[0]" operation: "upsert" value: item["_parsed"]["msg"] - field_path: "raw" operation: "delete" # splunk_mapper node allows users to specify which fields they want to fill in for each splunk payload field using a CEL expression. # The field names match those of the splunk hec event endpoint, prepended with splunk_ # splunk_event accepts map, string or byte array, splunk_fields accepts maps, splunk_time accepts int64 (unix milli) or string (ISO 8601 - date string) # all other fields accept strings # splunk_event is required - name: splunk_mapping_node type: splunk_mapper splunk_source_type: item["resource"]["src_type"] splunk_source: item["resource"]["__src_name"] splunk_host: item["resource"]["host.name"] splunk_index: '"prod_index"' splunk_event: regex_capture(item["body"], "kubernetes.container.image=(?P[\\w-]+)").field splunk_fields: item["attributes"] splunk_time: item["timestamp"] # datadog_mapper node allows users to specify which fields they want to fill in for each datadog payload field using a CEL expression. # the field names match those of the datadog log endpoint, prepended with dd_ # dd_message is required # dd_tags accepts a map or a key value string("key1:value1,key2:value2"), dd_message accepts a string, map, or byte array # all other fields accept a string - name: datadog_mapping_node type: datadog_mapper dd_message: item["body"] dd_tags: item["attributes"] dd_source: item["resource"]["src_type"] dd_source_name: item["resource"]["__src_name"] dd_host: json(item["_parsed"]).host dd_hostname: json(item["_parsed"]).hostname dd_service: '"K8s"' dd_level: env("LEVEL") dd_datatype: item["datatype"] # json_parse_attributes node can be used to parse fully structured logs as attributes for log items. This will be a nested object that will be added under the attributes. # The field to parse on can be specified. Default is item["body"] # field_path can be used to specify the location to upsert the parsed object. Default is item["attributes"] - name: parse_json type: parse_json_attributes process_field: item["body"] field_path: item["attributes"]["parsed_body"] # field_path is the field that has the json to be unrolled, optional if not defined the item["body"] will be used # json_field_path is the field within the json that describes the location of the array to be unrolled - name: json_unroller type: json_unroll field_path: item["attributes"]["newBody"] json_field_path: content["records"] new_field_name: record # compound node holds nodes and links. # A compound node can only have one input node, and its type is compound_input. # A compound node can have many output nodes, and their type is compound_output. - name: CN_A_team type: compound nodes: # There can only be 1 input node, and its type is compound_input - name: CN_A_team_input type: compound_input # There can be many output nodes. Each can be named to be used like paths. - name: CN_A_team_output type: compound_output links: - from: CN_A_team_input to: CN_A_team_output ### Outputs ### - name: my_s3 type: s3_output aws_key_id: abc aws_sec_key: xyz bucket: testbucket region: us-east-2 - name: my_elastic type: elastic_output index: "index name" user: elastic password: '{{Env "ELASTIC_PASS"}}' address: - elasticnode1 tls: ignore_certificate_check: true - name: sumo_us type: sumologic_output endpoint: "https://endpoint4.collection.us2.sumologic.com/receiver/v1/http/XYZ" - name: sumo_us_legacy type: sumologic_output endpoint: "https://endpoint4.collection.us2.sumologic.com/receiver/v1/http/XYZ" # This field is used by output nodes to support agent v0 push format instead of agent v1 push format # for backwards compatibility reasons. When this field is used, item format should be assumed to have # 1-1 correspondence between v0 format. use_legacy_formatting: true # Custom tags will be only honored when "use_legacy_formatting: true" custom_tags: - name: "app" value: "transaction_manager" - name: "region" value: "us-west-2" - name: "File Path" value: "{{.FileGlobPath}}" - name: "K8s PodName" value: "{{.K8sPodName}}" - name: "K8s Namespace" value: "{{.K8sNamespace}}" - name: "K8s ControllerKind" value: "{{.K8sControllerKind}}" - name: "K8s ContainerName" value: "{{.K8sContainerName}}" - name: "K8s ContainerImage" value: "{{.K8sContainerImage}}" - name: "K8s ControllerLogicalName" value: "{{.K8sControllerLogicalName}}" - name: "ECSCluster" value: "{{.ECSCluster}}" - name: "ECSContainerName" value: "{{.ECSContainerName}}" - name: "ECSTaskVersion" value: "{{.ECSTaskVersion}}" - name: "ECSTaskFamily" value: "{{.ECSTaskFamily}}" - name: "DockerContainerName" value: "{{.DockerContainerName}}" - name: "ConfigID" value: "{{.ConfigID}}" # One can use either curly braces for templatizing (which has limited support for only direct variable replacement and index function) or square braces where one can employ full power of Go's template language - name: "Host" value: "[[ .Host ]]" - name: "Source" value: "[[ .Source ]]" - name: "SourceType" value: "[[ .SourceType ]]" - name: "Tag" value: "[[ .Tag ]]" - name: openmetrics type: openmetrics_output endpoint: "http://localhost:8428/metrics" features: metric - name: openmetrics_legacy type: openmetrics_output endpoint: "http://localhost:8428/metrics" features: metric use_legacy_formatting: true custom_tags: - name: "app" value: "test" - name: "region" value: "us-west-2" - name: "File Path" value: "{{.FileGlobPath}}" - name: "K8s PodName" value: "{{.K8sPodName}}" - name: "K8s Namespace" value: "{{.K8sNamespace}}" - name: "K8s ControllerKind" value: "{{.K8sControllerKind}}" - name: "K8s ContainerName" value: "{{.K8sContainerName}}" - name: "K8s ContainerImage" value: "{{.K8sContainerImage}}" - name: "K8s ControllerLogicalName" value: "{{.K8sControllerLogicalName}}" - name: "ECSCluster" value: "{{.ECSCluster}}" - name: "ECSContainerName" value: "{{.ECSContainerName}}" - name: "ECSTaskVersion" value: "{{.ECSTaskVersion}}" - name: "ECSTaskFamily" value: "{{.ECSTaskFamily}}" - name: "DockerContainerName" value: "{{.DockerContainerName}}" - name: "ConfigID" value: "{{.ConfigID}}" - name: "Host" value: "{{.Host}}" - name: "Source" value: "{{.Source}}" - name: "SourceType" value: "{{.SourceType}}" - name: "Tag" value: "{{.Tag}}" - name: my_s3_archiver type: s3_output aws_key_id: abc aws_sec_key: xyz bucket: testbucket region: us-east-2 # This flag will disable metadata file ingestion (which is used for rehydration analysis). It is useful for AWS Athena where only data files should be present in the given S3 bucket + path prefix disable_metadata_ingestion: true # Default path prefix is /////, however with this field this can be overridden path_prefix: # One can refer to "Year", "Month", "Day", "Hour", " Minute", "tag", "host", "OtherTags." and "LogFields." # For ECS, "ecs_cluster", "ecs_container_name", "ecs_task_family" and "ecs_task_version" are available # For K8s, "k8s_namespace", "k8s_controller_kind", "k8s_controller_logical_name", "k8s_pod_name", "k8s_container_name" are "k8s_container_image" are available # For Docker, "docker_container_name" and "docker_image_name" are available order: - Year - Month - Day - Hour - 5 Minute - OtherTags.role # Format should have exactly same amount of "%s"s with "order"s count and templating will be done in the same order given via "order" fields # Curly braces are prohibited # Also, note that this format is not supported in rehydrations so the source for rehydration cannot be an integration using custom path_prefix format # This should be used for some Big Data applications such BigQuery, AWS Athena etc. format: year=%s/month=%s/day=%s/hour=%s/minute=%s/role=%s/ - name: my_s3_with_different_flush_settings type: s3_output aws_key_id: abc aws_sec_key: xyz bucket: testbucket region: us-east-2 flush_interval: 10m max_byte_limit: "8MB" - name: splunk_output type: splunk_output endpoint: https://localhost:443/services/collector/event token: my_api_token index: main - name: datadog_output type: datadog_output api_key: my_api_key - name: datadog_output_endpoints type: datadog_output api_key: my_api_key log_endpoint: https://http-intake.logs.datadoghq.com/v1/input metric_endpoint: https://api.datadoghq.com/api/v1/series event_endpoint: https://api.datadoghq.com/api/v1/events - name: datadog_output_single_endpoint type: datadog_output api_key: my_api_key log_endpoint: https://http-intake.logs.datadoghq.com/v1/input - name: my_gcs type: gcs_output hmac_access_key: my_hmac_access_key_123 hmac_secret: my_hmac_secret_123 bucket: ed-test-bucket - name: my_blob type: blob_output account_name: blob-account-name account_key: blobkey123!& container: testcontainer auto_create_container: false # Minio - name: my_minio type: minio_output access_key: my_access_key_123 secret_key: my_secret_key_123 endpoint: play.minio.com:9000 bucket: ed-test-bucket-minio disable_ssl: true # Force archive destination to use {endpoint}/{bucket} format instead of {bucket}.{endpoint}/ when reaching buckets. s3_force_path_style: true encoding: parquet compression: zstd use_native_compression: true - name: my_minio_https type: minio_output access_key: my_access_key_123 secret_key: my_secret_key_123 endpoint: play.minio.com:9000 bucket: ed-test-bucket-minio s3_force_path_style: true encoding: parquet compression: zstd use_native_compression: true tls: ignore_certificate_check: true # Digital Ocean Spaces - name: my_digitalocean_spaces type: digitalocean_spaces_output endpoint: nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com bucket: ed-test-bucket-dos access_key: my_access_key_123 secret_key: my_secret_key_123 # IBM Object Storage - name: my_ibm_object_storage type: ibm_object_storage_output endpoint: s3-api.us-geo.objectstorage.softlayer.net bucket: ed-test-bucket-ibm access_key: my_access_key_123 secret_key: my_secret_key_123 # Zenko CloudServer - name: my_zenko_cloudserver type: zenko_output endpoint: https://XXXXXXXXXX.sandbox.zenko.io bucket: ed-test-bucket-zenko access_key: my_access_key_123 secret_key: my_secret_key_123 - name: local_archive type: localstorage_output mounted_path: "/test/path/i/can/write" # Slack - name: my_slack type: slack_output endpoint: https://hooks.slack.com/services/... suppression_window: 30m - name: my_legacy_slack type: slack_output endpoint: https://hooks.slack.com/services/... suppression_window: 30m use_legacy_formatting: true notify_content: title: "Anomaly Detected: {{.ProcessorDescription}}" disable_default_fields: true advanced_content: | { "blocks": [ { "type": "section", "text": { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": "*Raw POST Anomaly Detected: [[ .ProcessorDescription ]]*" } }, { "type": "section", "text": { "type": "mrkdwn", [[ if contains .MatchedTerm "error" ]] "text": "*MatchedTerm* [[ .MatchedTerm ]]\n*ConfigID* [[ .ConfigID ]]" [[ else ]] "text": "*ERROR MatchedTerm* [[ .MatchedTerm ]]\n*ConfigID* [[ .ConfigID ]]" [[ end ]] } } ] } custom_fields: "Dashboard": "https://app.edgedelta.com/investigation?edac={{.EDAC}}×tamp={{.Timestamp}}" "Current Value": "{{.CurrentValue}}" "Threshold Value": "{{.ThresholdValue}}" "Custom Message": "{{.CurrentValue}} exceeds {{.ThresholdValue}}" "Built-in Threshold Description": "{{.ThresholdDescription}}" "Matched Term": "{{.MatchedTerm}}" "Threshold Type": "{{.ThresholdType}}" "File Path": "{{.FileGlobPath}}" "K8s PodName": "{{.K8sPodName}}" "K8s Namespace": "{{.K8sNamespace}}" "K8s ControllerKind": "{{.K8sControllerKind}}" "K8s ContainerName": "{{.K8sContainerName}}" "K8s ContainerImage": "{{.K8sContainerImage}}" "K8s ControllerLogicalName": "{{.K8sControllerLogicalName}}" "ECSCluster": "{{.ECSCluster}}" "ECSContainerName": "{{.ECSContainerName}}" "ECSTaskVersion": "{{.ECSTaskVersion}}" "ECSTaskFamily": "{{.ECSTaskFamily}}" "DockerContainerName": "{{.DockerContainerName}}" "SourceAttributes": "{{.SourceAttributes}}" "ConfigID": "{{.ConfigID}}" "EDAC": "{{.EDAC}}" "Epoch": "{{.Epoch}}" "Host": "{{.Host}}" "MetricName": "{{.MetricName}}" "Source": "{{.Source}}" "SourceType": "{{.SourceType}}" "Tag": "{{.Tag}}" - name: my_teams type: teams_output endpoint: https://outlook.office.com/webhook/... suppression_window: 30m - name: my_webhook type: webhook_output endpoint: https://my.webhook.com suppression_window: 30m headers: - header: Content-Type value: application/json payload: | { "type": "message", "attachments": [ { "contentType": "application/vnd.microsoft.card.adaptive", "content": { "$schema": "http://adaptivecards.io/schemas/adaptive-card.json", "type": "AdaptiveCard", "version": "1.2", "body": [ { "type": "ColumnSet", "spacing": "large", "columns": [ { "width": "stretch", "items": [ { "type": "TextBlock", "wrap": true, "text": "**{{ .item._alert.title }}**" }, { "type": "TextBlock", "wrap": true, "text": "**Description**: {{ js .item._alert.description }}\n\r**Tag**: {{ .item.resource.ed.tag }}\n\r**Host**: {{ .item.resource.host.name }}\n\r**Signal ID**: {{ .item._alert.signal_id }}\n\r**Threshold filter**: {{ js .item._alert.threshold_filter }}\n\r**Threshold condition**: {{ .item._alert.threshold_condition }}\n\r**Metric name**: {{ .item._alert.name }}\n\r**Value**: {{ .item._alert.value }}" } ] } ] } ] } } ] } # port outputs - name: my_tcp_port type: tcp_output host: log_repo_host port: 23131 - name: my_http_port type: http_output endpoint: http://localhost:4545/v0/collect headers: - header: X-Token value: abc123456 # fluentd output - name: my_fluentd type: fluentd_output host: log-repo-host port: 23131 pool_size: 10 # tag_prefix; agent setting tag value is appended to this prefix # and used as fluentd forward tag (the payload itself will still have edgedelta_tag=agentsettings.tag) # tag_prefix is only used as fluentd tag if the corresponding data doesn't have a tag defined in enrichments tag_prefix: "tail.ed." - name: my_kafka_output type: kafka_output endpoint: localhost:2888,localhost:3888 # brokers topic: example_kafka_topic - name: my_newrelic_output type: newrelic_output api_key: my_api_key - name: my_loki_output type: loki_output endpoint: http://localhost:3100/loki/api/v1/push user: 123456 api_key: my_api_key - name: my_google_cloud_logging_output type: google_cloud_logging_output log_name: projects/my-project/logs/my-log-bucket credentials_path: /path/to/credentials.json labels: - name: k8s_namespace path: item["resource"]["k8s.namespace.name"] - name: k8s_container_name path: item["resource"]["k8s.container.name"] - name: k8s_pod_name path: item["resource"]["k8s.pod.name"] - name: k8s_deployment_name path: item["resource"]["k8s.deployment.name"] - name: k8s_daemonset_name path: item["resource"]["k8s.daemonset.name"] - name: k8s_statefulset_name path: item["resource"]["k8s.statefulset.name"] - name: k8s_replicaset_name path: item["resource"]["k8s.replicaset.name"] - name: k8s_cronjob_name path: item["resource"]["k8s.cronjob.name"] - name: k8s_job_name path: item["resource"]["k8s.job.name"] # prometheus exporter output - name: my_prometheus_exporter type: prometheus_exporter_output port: 8087 retire_period: 15m labels: - name: k8s_namespace path: item["resource"]["k8s.namespace.name"] - name: k8s_container_name path: item["resource"]["k8s.container.name"] - name: k8s_pod_name path: item["resource"]["k8s.pod.name"] - name: k8s_deployment_name path: item["resource"]["k8s.deployment.name"] - name: k8s_daemonset_name path: item["resource"]["k8s.daemonset.name"] - name: k8s_statefulset_name path: item["resource"]["k8s.statefulset.name"] - name: k8s_replicaset_name path: item["resource"]["k8s.replicaset.name"] - name: k8s_cronjob_name path: item["resource"]["k8s.cronjob.name"] - name: k8s_job_name path: item["resource"]["k8s.job.name"] - name: ed_patterns type: ed_patterns_output - name: ed_archive type: ed_archive_output - name: ed_metrics type: ed_metrics_output - name: ed_health type: ed_health_output - name: ed_debug_output type: ed_debug_output # The rest of the first-level structures of v2 config below (parent/child config, agent settings, version) # This is a placeholder - these pieces should be revisited on how should they behave in config v3 version: v3 settings: tag: prod log: level: debug # persisting_cursor_settings defines persisting cursor locations which is suitable for environments that doesn't want to miss any data during agent restart process. # path is the folder place where we create our cursor file and flush_interval is the interval that we will save to this file from memory. persisting_cursor_settings: path: /var/edgedelta/pos file_name: cursor_file.json flush_interval: 1m # Defines the interval at which logs are flushed and send to archive destination. # Default value is 30m. archive_flush_interval: 5m # Defines the maximum bytes to buffer in memory until triggering an archive flush. # When either archive_flush_interval or archive_max_byte_limit is reached agent flushes the buffered raw logs to configured archive destination(s). # Default byte size limit is 16MB. archive_max_byte_limit: "16MB" # Defines the frequency interval that source discovery is invoked. # Default value is 5s. source_discovery_interval: 5s # When anomaly_tolerance is non-zero, anomaly scores handle edge cases better when std. dev. is too small. # Default is 0.01. # Can be set at node level and/or dimension group level for some log_to_metric nodes. anomaly_tolerance: 0.1 # Anomaly scores will not be calculated for the first 1m after a source is found. # Default is 30m. # Can be set at node level and/or dimension group level for some log_to_metric nodes. anomaly_confidence_period: 1m # Skips empty intervals when rolling so the anomaly scores are calculated based on history of non-zero intervals. # Default is true. # Can be set at node level and/or dimension group level for some log_to_metric nodes. skip_empty_intervals: false # Only report non zero stats. # Default is true. # Can be set at node level and/or dimension group level for some log_to_metric nodes. only_report_nonzeros: false # Anomaly coefficient is used to multiple final score to [0, 100] range. # The higher the coefficient the higher the anomaly score will be. # Default is 10. # Can be set at node level and/or dimension group level for some log_to_metric nodes. anomaly_coefficient: 10.0 # Interval that item buffers will flush their contents. # Default is 5s. item_buffer_flush_interval: 5s # Size limit that will trigger item buffer flush when reached. # Default is 1MiB. item_buffer_max_byte_limit: 1MiB # multiline_max_size defines the multiline buffer size in length. Increase this maximum line number for overflow cases. # in overflow cases all buffered lines dumped as single line, so for these environments it is better to increase this value # integer type multiline_max_size: 250 # multiline_max_byte_size defines the multiline buffer size in bytes. Increase this maximum byte limit for overflow cases. # in overflow cases all buffered lines dumped as single line, so for these environments it is better to increase this value # datasize.Size type multiline_max_byte_size: "10KB" # max_incomplete_line_buffer_size defines maximum data that can be kept in buffered line separator. Default value is around 10KB. # This is useful when we receive json formatted and large inputs. # line_pattern option can be used to separate inputs into valid json objects and when a single line is larger than 10KB this option should be used. max_incomplete_line_buffer_size: "10KB" # metric_column_opts defines options for metric columns. Currently only column dropping is supported. metric_column_opts: # drop_columns defines metric columns that will not be sent to metric destinations from internal pusher. # This can be used to reduce high cardinality issues. Supports prefix match option with * as terminating character. drop_columns: - name: docker_id # metric_categories is used to define on which metric category the drop operation will be performed (optional) # if not given, column will be dropped from all metric categories. # valid categories: incoming_outgoing, heartbeat, processor, resource metric_categories: - incoming_outgoing - name: labels.* # exceptions is used to fine tune dropped columns. (optional) # If a column matches any values given in this option, it will not be dropped. # Supports prefix match option with * as terminating character. exceptions: - labels.app.value - labels.somefield.*