Changelog - API

api-2024-07-25-12-58-56 - Thursday, July 25 2024, 12:32 UTC
  • fix license journal body #api (#15755)
  • add default license values in license service #api (#15753)
  • #api added treemap to log graph types for event/log views (#15752)
  • fix extracting user_id for license journal entry body #api (#15749)
  • [OBS-894] add license journal entry body schema #api (#15741)
api-2024-07-23-17-28-50 - Tuesday, July 23 2024, 16:54 UTC
  • #api make default order ascending when graph type is timeseries for plotting (#15704)
  • #api support license journal api return descending order by timestamp (#15701)
  • [OBS-882] fix current_period_end and current_period_start dates when updating the license from #api (#15699)
  • change usage type from credit to specific usage type #api (#15698)
api-2024-07-23-15-41-26 - Tuesday, July 23 2024, 14:40 UTC
  • #api dont write default prices to dynamodb for license and return default prices (#15690)
  • [LP-811] #api remove spark serverless and all related aws resources (#15688)
  • [OBS-881] removing remaining credits writing to license journal #api (#15694)
  • Add K8s Event Facet And Groups #api (#15692)
  • add mapping for metering service #api (#15687)
  • [OBS-873] [OBS-843] implement license state change handler selective mux and write license journal entries corresponding to license update #api (#15654)
  • #api fix swallowing espace backslashes in metric and log extractor which caused monitor explore issues (#15685)
  • #api [OBS-657] implement new product flow stripe changes (#15600)
  • [LP-811] #api remove aws step function for spark metric rollup job (#15660)
  • change support access operations as array to upsert license changes from ui #api (#15681)
  • #api [LP-723] ByConity Delayed Provision Latency Visibility Changes (#15554)
  • #api [OBS-877] unified license use default prices in the codebase if organization does not have specified prices (#15666)
  • #api [OBS-878] add license journal api for displaying org license journal entries in support page (#15669)
  • #api [VPB-2083] Include CPU and Memory usage stats in fleets (#15646)
  • #api fix limit being zero for event histogram API (#15664)
  • #api [VPB-2090] Use AllSourcesSelected when creating source-detection… (#15652)
  • #api [OBS-466] implement event graph endpoint for new event views (timeseries, table etc) (#15655)
  • change license strategy package from repo to backend licensetrategy #api (#15656)
  • #api [OBS-466] log search groupby view api support table, piechart (#15653)
  • [OBS-866] populate last metering update field from the usage data #api (#15635)
  • #misc #api Oncall improvements in terms for eliminating false positives and improved logging (#15623)
  • #api Minor bug fix causing new cloud fleets scaling to fail (#15644)
  • #api [OBS-466] refactor common time series response for new event/log query types (#15645)
  • #api Add pkg/metering to swagger doc (#15651)
  • [OBS-871] fix getfromOldLicense method in unified license strategy #api (#15650)
  • #api Resurface capture group masking for mask node (#15617)
  • #agent #api [VPB-2034] Update Resource Transform Fields (#15616)
  • #api [VPB-2057] Remove email endpoint (#15547)
  • #api disable deletion of indexed facets (#15639)
  • add dynamolock to license strategy #api (#15634)
  • #api fix licensing dynamostreams pipe filter exists not working correctly (#15637)
  • #api fix license service deployment queue env variables (#15636)
  • #api Fix cloud fleets scaling bug for new version (#15629)
  • [OBS-864] change license internal as embedded object in license #api (#15630)
api-2024-07-19-10-48-26 - Friday, July 19 2024, 10:22 UTC
  • #api return errnotexists when license could not be found in license repo (#15631)
  • Remove Lowercase Limitation In Monitor Integration Receivers #api (#15627)
  • [OBS-863] change org.last_access to last_access_date and changed it to daytime format #api (#15628)
  • #api dont run trial exp batchjob for unified licenses (#15626)
  • #api dont return licenses array in license repo since we only have one license per org (#15619)
  • #api fix url time format to storage time format for unified license field (#15622)
  • [OBS-858] integrate remaining license repo to always up license service #api (#15604)
  • #api unified license creation dont set unused fields (#15618)
  • [OBS-699] add idle check in state transition job #api (#15615)
  • #api [OBS-862] create new orgs with domain with unified license in staging (#15612)
  • Add From & To For Log Search Used Segment Event #api (#15613)
  • #api [VPB-1861] Update private key regex to handle AES keys (#15614)
  • [OBS-854] add last_access to org table for checking org activity #api (#15603)
  • [OBS-596] - Monitor Event Name in Body Support Template #api (#15608)
  • #api fix monitor facet options provider not returning correct facet value when value contains `#` (#15609)
  • #api [VPB-2082] Return bad request in pipeline testing for invalid configs (#15598)
  • #api [VPB-2107] Include log samples in otel format (#15592)
  • [OBS-838] initial implementation for remaining credits table #api #storage (#15595)
api-2024-07-18-10-49-07 - Thursday, July 18 2024, 10:20 UTC
  • #api [VPB-1801] Use AWS ALB instead of AWS NLB + internal ingress for Cloud Fleets (#15553)
  • #api Add org ID and product detail for error log in trial checker batch job (#15601)
  • #api Remove test fields and image pull secret for Cloud fleets (#15559)
  • #api Bump node count for cloud fleets (#15596)
  • #api url shortener service allow support users to use short urls (#15597)
  • [OBS-676] add downgrade an account to free in license #api (#15591)
  • #api [OBS-813] implement always up license service skeleton (#15550)
  • #api [OBS-814] always up metering service for handling new credit usage flow (#15534)
  • #api [VPB-2114] Update helm install instructions (#15572)
  • #api [VPB-1958] Add service name to k8s input (#15151)
  • #api [OBS-851] add credit usage table and repo with batch create method for new metering handler (#15581)
  • #api remove integration name from metrics input to remove ch queries (#15583)
  • checkLicenseExpired added to license strategy abstract layer #api (#15580)
  • manage maximum facet count for an org by ff #api (#15574)
api-2024-07-17-13-03-45 - Wednesday, July 17 2024, 12:36 UTC
  • #ch #api prod version change required changes (#15579)
  • [OBS-823] add and update metering keys for unified license #api (#15576)
api-2024-07-17-10-39-13 - Wednesday, July 17 2024, 09:02 UTC
  • #api remove unnecessary org id filter for byconity requests (#15562)
  • [OBS-677] fix errors in license update #api for unified license (#15568)
  • #api [Cloud Fleets] Fix assumption of getting nil when a Kubernetes object is not found (#15566)
  • [OBS-597] - [OBS-704] - Monitor Notification Hide Options For Receiver Handlers #api #ch #web (#15561)
  • #agent #api Update Splunk Output Nodespecs (#15558)
  • fix not marhsaling state and renewal preiod in license get #api (#15557)
  • license state transition job #api (#15529)
  • #test #api Remove extra character in dogfood script (#15543)
api-2024-07-16-12-45-55 - Tuesday, July 16 2024, 00:21 UTC
  • #api Connect k8s_event to ed_archive instead of ed_metrics during onboarding (#15546)
  • #agent #api Grok Node Improvements (#15482)
  • #api corrected mistral inference (#15288)
  • #api #misc [VPB-1801] Add support for using external DNS on hosted agent clusters (#15537)
  • #api move metering package to pkg and added dynamostreams package for common logic between services (#15532)
  • #api [VPB-1321] Prevent same group name different case (#15439)
  • #api [VPB-2066][VPB-2095] Support suspend operation instead of using agent count = 0 for Cloud fleets (#15494)
  • enable the auth test in staging and increase the timeout #api (#15504)
  • #storage [OBS-818] licensing handler related terraform changes ( sqs, eventbridge, dynamostreams) (#15518)
  • #storage fix filtering pattern on eventbridge pipe for metering table (#15522)
api-2024-07-12-12-01-01 - Friday, July 12 2024, 11:01 UTC
  • Metering Accumulator Lambda Honor Pipeline Processed Bytes #api (#15519)
  • #api [VPB-1801] Support cloud fleets to have HTTP input instead of file inputs (#15480)
  • #storage [OBS-816] metering handler related terraform changes ( sqs, eventbridge, dynamostreams) (#15516)
  • #api [OBS-811] fix log and metric extractor swallowing necessary empty space in CQL query (#15509)
  • #api fix facet options search on attributes instead of resources when there is no attribute label (#15510)
  • add throttling for unified license #api (#15491)
  • #api [VPB-2027] Add endpoint to return yaml of the current configuration of pipeline (#15501)
api-2024-07-11-19-08-06 - Thursday, July 11 2024, 18:11 UTC
  • remove daily timestamp from metering composite_key #api (#15508)
  • #api GCL wizard update (#15507)
  • #api revert severity text facet mapping for events since severity text changes are reverted in byconity (#15503)
  • [OBS-580] dogfood test for patterns #api (#15324)
  • [OBS-806] change metering query remove timestamp from hash key and add timestamp range by sk #api (#15477)
  • [OBS-804] return no quota overage for all orgs in quota_overage service #api (#15476)
  • #api Minor fix for scaling cloud fleets (#15481)
  • #api add monitor id to context for logging in pattern skyline (#15492)
api-2024-07-10-15-44-19 - Wednesday, July 10 2024, 15:02 UTC
  • bi job better CH querying and less concurrent calls #api (#15471)
  • #api added missing return statement in facet creation api (#15475)
  • #api add mapping severity text for monitor events (#15469)
  • #api get highest status from monitor groups when notification and monitor groupbys differ (#15459)
  • Meter Incoming Bytes #ch #api (#15462)
  • #api [VPB-1861] Fix regex and add sample for private key regex library (#15112)
  • [VPB-2058] add filename filter to s3 input #agent #api (#15424)
  • #misc #api Run dogfood tests in parallel (#15386)
  • remove extra comma from snowflake queries to fix bi job #api (#15458)
  • #api #storage added monitor events to test table entry for showing in access (#15457)
  • [OBS-784] remove clusters endpoints #api (#15455)
  • code separation for license strategy #api (#15452)
  • [OBS-784] remove e8 related stuff from backend #api (#15434)
  • #api Support rollups and HPAs for hosted agents (or cloud fleets) (#15356)
  • #api compare with monitor status coming from dynamodb instead of flink while getting highest status (#15440)
  • [VPB-1293] remove exclude filters from OOTB k8s/helm agent config #api (#15425)
  • [OBS-670] extend license trial exp date for unified license #api (#15433)
  • #api Log friendly error message and caller info in additional to detailed error (#15409)
api-2024-07-08-16-04-06 - Monday, July 8 2024, 14:01 UTC
  • #api #web [OBS-788] add org id to as a param to monitor notification and UI suggestions (#15435)
  • remove the usage product type url param from support service #api (#15427)
api-2024-07-08-11-22-32 - Monday, July 8 2024, 10:55 UTC
  • rename bi batchjob (remove v2 suffix) and remove uncessary license accesses #api (#15430)
  • #api #ch [OBS-783] added pattern anomaly routing to kinesis for skyline flink job (#15419)
  • #api [OBS-756] make update license in support service compatible with new license provider (#15389)
  • #test #api Update hostedenv e2e test to account for agent count=0 (#15418)
  • #api [OBS-778] implemented repo layer for license journal (#15417)
  • #api #test [OBS-508] add unit tests for monitor notification tests (#15349)
  • #agent #api Ability to choose field for patternization (#15211)
  • [OBS-766] add log search api's to swagger #api (#15403)
  • [OBS-780] make new fields as embedeed for unified license object #api (#15406)
  • #test #api Update e2e/logleveldetector test with updated severity text (#15402)
  • #api make monitor status update noop if old and new status are same (#15405)
  • #api [VPB-2062] Source detection to use ED Debug output when no output is provided (#15384)
  • #api fix resolve endpoint not updating monitor configuration status (#15394)
  • [OBS-776] change field name unified license #api (#15399)
  • [OBS-609] update jwx version and replace okta verifier #api (#15393)
  • [OBS-653] introduce unified license and license provider #api (#15377)
  • #api [VPB-2062] Sanitize source names from source detection (#15383)
  • #agent #api [VPB-2062] Missing parts of linux/macos source detection (#15336)
  • #api remove unused agent updater tests (#15370)
  • #api exclude scaling hosted agents from hosted agent heartbeat test (#15366)
  • #api remove unsupported test items from admin-backend-test (#15362)
  • #api #ch remove deprecated metric v1 migration stuff (#15104)
  • revert jwk package #api (#15358)
  • [OBS-607] [OBS-606] [OBS-608] [OBS-609] handle CVE issues #api (#15342)
api-2024-07-02-12-31-32 - Tuesday, July 2 2024, 11:36 UTC
  • Revert Exponential Search To Window Search And Make Window Parametrized #api (#15343)
  • #api #ch Support E2E OTEL log ingestion (#15320)
  • #api [LP-759] Populate org ID in endpoint latency API metrics (#15330)
  • [VPB-1946] #agent #api s3_input and json_unroll to beta (#15335)
  • #api [OBS-743] create access entry for monitors for users without org level write access (#15325)
  • #agent #api [VPB-2044] Add test/grok endpoint (#15316)
  • #agent #api [VPB-1922] Add linux/macos source detection base configurations (#15298)
  • #agent #api [VPB-1693] Allow all envs for Debug Output (#15297)
  • [OBS-666] enable pipeline functionality for all new signups #api (#15266)
  • #api changed snoozing check to last triggered from triggered (#15322)
  • update default monitors and their values #api (#15306)
  • #api [OBS-634] implemented hosted agent node selector updates (#15130)
  • #api #agent Make Debug output backwards compatible for keys (#15294)
  • #api fix support user accesses returned to frontend (#15308)
  • #agent #api [VPB-1693] Allow extracting nested values using CEL (#15274)
  • fix disperancy between log and pattern top level columns using custom with statement in pattern queries #api (#15289)
api-2024-06-28-14-24-16 - Friday, June 28 2024, 13:53 UTC
  • [OBS-742] fix sending dynatrace webhook messages #api (#15307)
  • Exponential Search Fix In Log Search And Monitor Event Search Initial Exponential Search Start With 1d #api (#15303)
  • #api [VPB-1756] Add all ED backends option when extending pipelines (#15275)
  • #agent #api [VPB-2011] ratio node testing (#15259)
  • #agent #api [VPB-2011] top-k node testing (#15258)
  • #agent #api [VPB-2011] log-to-pattern node testing (#15255)
  • [VPB-2030] add GCL integration to v2 for rehydration #agent #api (#15277)
  • #agent #api [VPB-2011] log-to-metric node testing (#15231)
  • #agent #api [VPB-1445] Support leader election mechanism in non-k8s envs (#15256)
  • #web #api fix org settings schema response (#15280)
  • #api [LP-774] Decrease pre provisioned org pool size by half
  • [VPB-1946] S3 input #agent #api (#15210)
  • Don't Save Skyline Finding To Elastic If Coming From New Monitor #api (#15268)
api-2024-06-26-09-34-21 - Tuesday, June 25 2024, 19:31 UTC
  • Support Quote In Flexible Notification Body Content Section #api #web #15252
  • #agent #api [VPB-2015] Update debug output to use tag (#15206)
api-2024-06-25-17-02-41 - Tuesday, June 25 2024, 16:33 UTC
  • remove uncessary if condition during default monitor creation #api (#15248)
  • #api #agent [VPB-2023] Support conf id filter for samples (#15226)
api-2024-06-25-14-54-27 - Tuesday, June 25 2024, 14:13 UTC
  • [OBS-710] - Add Observation URL To Log Threshold And Pattern Anomaly Monitor Events #api
  • [OBS-690] fix orphaned monitor status facets are getting created #api (#15239)
  • deprecate create-default-monitor flag #api (#15240)
  • #api [VPB-1915] Separate active agent counts by fleet (#15200)
  • #grafana #api [OBS-623] [OBS-681] Fix Grafana initialization and Support grafana in demo env (#15147)
  • #api [VPB-1963] Remove the limit when fetching active agent count (#15192)
  • #api [OBS-713] added human readable y axis to plot (#15220)
api-2024-06-24-13-28-35 - Monday, June 24 2024, 11:33 UTC
  • Fix GroupBy Order Issue In Response For Pattern Anomaly Predictive Widget and Pattern Search Page #api (#15213)
api-2024-06-21-15-00-34 - Friday, June 21 2024, 14:29 UTC
  • Fix Empty Field Search For Log Search And Metric Facet #api (#15201)
  • Pattern Attribute GroupBy Fix ByConity #api (#15188)
  • [VPB-2014] remove credentials file requirement for GCL output node #api #agent (#15193)
  • #api Increase sample lookback to a day since they are collected once a day by default (#15186)
  • #tool #api [VPB-1981] Remove Slack wrapper experiment (#15171)
  • #api #agent [VPB-2005] Fix source filtering in samples service and collect more info on source attributes (#15160)
api-2024-06-18-15-26-37 - Tuesday, June 18 2024, 15:01 UTC
  • [OBS-688] fix send notifications when groupBy is empty for monitor events #api (#15161)
  • [OBS-687] fix create monitor api while validating integration trigger names #api (#15159)
api-2024-06-17-21-36-59 - Monday, June 17 2024, 21:08 UTC
  • #api skyline fix attribute groupbys not having @ when building anomaly queries in anomalies page (#15149)
  • #agent #api Update HTTP Headers Config (#15158)
  • [VPB-1944] JSON unroll processor node #agent #api (#15107)
  • #api [VPB-1278] Add install logs for Windows agents (#15133)
  • #api [VPB-1951] Set version in conf record for cloud fleets (#15129)
  • #api use fixed time ticks for plotting with respect to evaluation window for monitor notifications (#15134)
  • #api dont hit metric aggregation table for log threshold plotting (#15137)
  • #api use newly added recovered state change values coming from flink to notify recovered state (#15122)
  • #api [OBS-582] list top patterns in email and map to otel event for skyline monitors (#15003)
  • #api [OBS-525] prevent orphaned users in okta when deleting an user from organization in which the user has only one organization (#15102)
api-2024-06-13-14-50-07 - Thursday, June 13 2024, 14:16 UTC
  • fix bi data double ingest to snowflake issue in case of a backfill #api (#15120)
  • #api skyline fix loop var capturing while handling state changes
api-2024-06-12-16-38-51 - Wednesday, June 12 2024, 13:42 UTC
  • [OBS-642] increase limit size to return all datapoints for metrics #api (#15086)
  • #api [VPB-1969] Update config template selection (#15068)
  • #api adjust rollup windows for evaluation windows for monitor (#15077)
  • #web #api implement changes for the new demo environment (#14971)
  • [OBS-629] add_from_to_trigger_options_for_recovered_monitor_states_then_delete #api (#15051)
  • #api [OBS-628] monitors: omit available rollup fields up to 5 mins for evaluation windows that hit aggregation table 5 min (#15065)
  • #api #web [OBS-621] Handle loading state for Membership Requests table and improve API (#15030)
  • #api [OBS-395] Improve user invited error message for users with pending join requests (#15029)
  • #api [OBS-628] implemented available rollup windows api for monitor creation (#15056)
  • #api [OBS-581] added negative pattern count line chart to skyline anomaly alerts (#15042)
  • [OBS-622] add validation to default monitors #api (#15032)
  • #api fix log threshold widget not working correctly because of top level fields scope (#15048)
  • #api [OBS-594] fix metric query does not add parenthesis on OR (#15046)
  • [VPB-1945] fix overflow in randomizing for cloudtrail log #agent #api (#15035)
  • [VPB-1945] small fix to CloudTrail demo input #agent (#15001)
  • #api #agent [VPB-1909] Replace mock response for samples with real data (#14978)
api-2024-06-10-13-35-29 - Monday, June 10 2024, 12:51 UTC
  • Escape Backslashes In New Monitor Slack Messages #api (#15028)
  • #api [VPB-1836] Cleanup config testing related parts (#14945)
  • #api fixed model mapping (#15009)
  • #api fix assigning empty ai response to skyline findings (#14991)
  • #api [OBS-582] added top patterns to monitor state for skyline (#15002)
  • [VPB-1945] add Cloudtrail log to Demo input #api #agent #misc (#14999)
  • #api [OBS-599] check monitor from db before updating snooze options (#14989)
  • #api [OBS-439] added contextual logging and some improvements in logs for notifications (#14984)
  • #api fix pattern skyline job not correctly passing {*} query (#14988)
  • #api [VPB-1802] [VPB-1803] Fix various cloud fleet problems (#14941)
  • [OBS-604] recreate Edge Delta Demo Org in staging #api (#14983)
  • #api updated model score api endpoints (#14969)
api-2024-06-06-09-08-55 - Thursday, June 6 2024, 07:49 UTC
  • espace attributes during sql generation for byconity patterns #api (#14970)
  • #api Fix orphan confs on delete (#14968)
  • fix csv marshal adds extra quotation marks to strings issue #api (#14963)
  • #api [VPB-1930] Remove obsolete early return in compound node metadata sync (#14954)
  • #api revert forced rollup for notification plot metrics (#14964)
api-2024-06-05-09-02-40 - Wednesday, June 5 2024, 08:28 UTC
  • #api fix notification state mapping and infinite snoozing in notification service (#14961)
  • #api Don't Change Parsed User Message Body In Monitor Notification (#14959)
  • #agent #api #misc Revert to go1.21.10 from go1.22.0 (#14937)
api-2024-06-04-14-18-40 - Tuesday, June 4 2024, 13:50 UTC
  • [OBS-566] add version specific columns to daily agent bi data #api (#14942)
api-2024-06-04-11-45-23 - Tuesday, June 4 2024, 11:19 UTC
  • Pattern Anomaly Message And Receipt Handle Fix For Not Enough Data Points To Plot #api (#14943)
  • #api [OBS-583] skyline fix cache unmarshalling and sliding window logic (#14938)
  • #api attach private dns zone to prod main cluster vpc (#14939)
api-2024-06-03-22-47-47 - Monday, June 3 2024, 21:26 UTC
  • #agent #api Update nodespecs file (#14908)
  • #api Set the wait group count to correct number (#14934)
  • #api [LP-778] Add CH default provision cluster ID (#14930)
  • [VPB-1829] update nodespecs for GCL integration #api (#14914)
  • #api [VPB-1713] Remove stats from pipelines endpoint (#14896)
  • Separete Monitor Metrics Plot Metrics From Metrics Overview #api (#14923)
  • [OBS-541] orgs created with default monitors #api (#14877)
  • #api Add two more logs for deprovision hosted agents function (#14917)
  • Pattern Anomaly Show Issue Count Chart In Plot #api (#14913)
  • Skyline Predictive Widget, Plotter And Job Fixes #api (#14912)
  • #agent #api Grok Node Enhancements for node testing and validation (#14879)
  • [VPB-1667] #api Fleet API Errors Renaming (#14741)
  • Oncall AI Monitor Event Adjustment #api (#14902)
  • Add Trigger From-To And Evaluated Value To The Monitor Events #api (#14899)
  • [OBS-570] fix webhook monitor event notify user messsage not working for newlines #api (#14891)
  • #agent #api [VPB-1908] Add source samples to all data types and item buffer data types (#14892)
  • #api [VPB-1308] Update payload for pipelines /extend endpoint (#14889)
  • #api store ai responses to the skyline monitor event in byconity (#14884)
  • #ci #api [VPB-1898] Update agent release table in staging (#14857)
  • #api add sampling for search graph api (#14880)
  • [OBS-454] fix webhook building monitor notify event message #api (#14882)
  • #api Update k8s base config for source detection (#14862)
  • #api dont set timestamp while returning for search graph response (#14876)
  • #api remove old endpoints for subscription APIs (#14870)
  • #api [OBS-513] implemented model score api (#14843)
api-2024-05-30-11-49-28 - Thursday, May 30 2024, 11:26 UTC
  • [OBS-564] fix event histogram mismatching keys values order for attribute keys #api (#14875)
  • Change Agent Monitor Cache Invalidation Logic From Write-Behind To Write-Through #api (#14873)
  • New Monitors Slack Group Sample Support #api (#14861)
  • #api skyline monitor fix error when query is empty (#14866)
  • #api #ch [LP-723] HDFS double ingestion and API changes for performance test (#14826)
  • #agent [VPB-1455] Gather samples from input nodes (#14387)
  • fix facet options not honoring limit in provider #api (#14850)
  • #api Move specific route matching before conf id match for pipelines (#14847)
  • #api [VPB-1308] Update pipelines/extend functionality (#14833)
  • Align Metric Fallback Rollup With Aggregated Tables #api (#14840)
  • fix event histogram missing with queries #api (#14846)
  • #api [OBS-474] support for log threshold test notifications (#14737)
  • Fix Metric Name Issue In Metric Facet Options #api (#14832)
  • [VPB-1827] Google Cloud Logging output node #agent #api (#14795)
  • Long evaluation window plot adjustment #api (#14817)
  • #ch #api disable self log compactor lambda (#14813)
  • #api allow update for anomaly multiplier in pattern skyline | change rest method of skyline simulation (#14814)
  • deprecate agent version reporter job #api (#14806)
  • #api instead of having alert/warn multiplier only use anomaly multiplier in new skyline monitors to simplify logic (#14803)
  • #api new fix skyline monitor plotting issues (#14801)
api-2024-05-27-15-06-50 - Monday, May 27 2024, 14:39 UTC
  • pattern timestamp fix #api (#14807)
  • various fixes to byconity patterns #api (#14804)
  • #api cleanup snowflake archive type (#14778)
  • add missing hostname to pattern samples #api (#14798)
  • Revert "#web #api frontend to use external id or email like backend (#14794)"
  • #web #api frontend to use external id or email like backend (#14794)
  • [OBS-496] - Add Webhook And PD Receiver Identification For Monitor Flexible Body Notification #api (#14748)
  • #api #test [OBS-437] add monitors api integration tests (#14772)
  • #api [VPB-1657] Paginate Debug Output API (#14702)
  • bi data job snowflake table name fix #api (#14782)
  • #api [VPB-1839] Provide a display name for regexes in the knowledge library (#14755)
  • [OBS-494] [OBS-493] non top level group by support to byconity patterns #api (#14708)
  • update facet option count statement for pattern facet options and some refactoring around facet option count statement generation logic #api (#14774)
  • add influx metric backend support to new agent details BI table #api (#14447)
  • #agent #api [VPB-1329] Add Grok Processor (#14258)
  • #api add analyze endpoint metricv2 support (#14758)
api-2024-05-23-12-48-06 - Thursday, May 23 2024, 12:13 UTC
  • [OBS-536] pattern samples not returning empty for elastic patterns fix #api (#14761)
  • #api #web added ai responses to findings endpoint (#14730)
api-2024-05-23-08-09-38 - Wednesday, May 22 2024, 22:46 UTC
  • [OBS-530] stop creating default v2 pipelines for kubernetes and linux #api (#14754)
  • #api #agent [VPB-1835] Add new config-template for v3-compatible integrations (#14726)
  • #api [VPB-1819] Add verbiage to onboarding Windows command (#14725)
  • #web #api Update MonitorStatus enum (#14740)
  • remove dangling code from metric repo #api (#14716)
  • [OBS-491] add validation to metric alert and pattern skyline alert defs #api #web (#14697)
  • #api [OBS-503] added monitor name parsing for notification (#14717)
  • #api map monitor coming from UI for database (#14738)
  • #api [OBS-498] added event id for monitor events for investigation link (#14713)
  • Convert SQS Read Size To String In Helm #api (#14734)
  • #api added batch level concurrency to notification service (#14655)
  • #api set forced elastic provider for skyline simulation (#14727)
  • #api [OBS-473] implemented mapping monitor status and priority to pascal case for UI (#14715)
  • #api [VPB-1306] Repo for querying events in CH (#14127)
  • #api [VPB-1835] Remove leftover legacy integrations from /integrations_v2 response (#14709)
api-2024-05-21-17-00-07 - Tuesday, May 21 2024, 16:02 UTC
  • #api reopen rehydration changes (#14720)
  • Check For SAML Active For Invite/ReInvite #api (#14719)
  • #api [OBS-499] ignore no data and ok facet option keys for monitor status facet (#14711)
api-2024-05-21-10-48-15 - Monday, May 20 2024, 20:10 UTC
  • Add Function Rule For Log Threshold Monitor Metric Rollup #api (#14696)
api-2024-05-20-18-08-28 - Monday, May 20 2024, 17:36 UTC
  • #api revert adding facets to rehydration resource (#14699)
  • #api deprecate sumo heartbeat forwarder job (#14695)
  • Add Resolution To Log Threshold Metrics Rollup Rule #api (#14689)
  • #api Make log threshold monitor metrics not enter cluster wide rollup (#14678)
api-2024-05-17-14-20-47 - Friday, May 17 2024, 13:53 UTC
  • #api [OBS-495] draw plot line for evaluation window value for monitor notifications (#14680)
  • add missing order by to window query #api (#14681)
  • [OBS-491] fix metric alert evaluation job failures for empty lookback fields #api (#14677)
  • remove uncessary backward compatibility stuff from byconity powered patterns #api (#14679)
  • #api added value to triggeredoptions and changed recovered plot from to ts to better plots (#14675)
  • [OBS-356] initial iteration for byconity powered patterns #api (#14665)
  • #api dont assign monitor state groups to monitor event resources (#14674)
  • Fix Slack Message Problematic Threshold Type Signs For New Monitors #api (#14673)
  • #api #agent [VPB-1805] Use the tag from agent for health data upload path (#14666)
  • #api fixed plotter plots alignment issue(#14672)
  • #api fixed notification plotter start end mismatches (#14667)
api-2024-05-16-15-02-15 - Thursday, May 16 2024, 14:33 UTC
  • #web #api add remap to v0 for source filters and increase facet options limit (#14664)
  • Fix Recovered State Notification Plot #api (#14658)
  • #api [OBS-450] added search graph endpoint for log search (#14640)
  • #api fix api zone vpc association (#14659)
  • #api [OBS-365] implemented fallback rollup functionality for metrics v2 endpoint (#14645)
api-2024-05-15-16-54-22 - Wednesday, May 15 2024, 16:23 UTC
  • #api Add user based ff support to deployment status and access agent versions api (#14646)
  • #api removed ch and added byconity pagerduty topic arn for queue creation (#14637)
  • #api [OBS-368] POC for implemented aws bedrock text generation (#14440)
  • [OBS-482] remove ibody and empty resource fields from event search results #api (#14636)
  • #api create rehydration facets in the semconv1 format (#14634)
  • #api update rollup section implementation for log visitor to support groupby and rollup queries (#14625)
  • #api [VPB-1793] Avoid overwriting conf metadata (#14619)
  • #api #agent [VPB-1761] Change release status of compound nodes from beta to released (#14613)
  • #api #agent [VPB-1767] Always include exit_if_matched bool in route path (#14623)
  • #api [VPB-1792] Return the pipeline from the request with updated nodes (#14627)
  • [OBS-481] fix event search for identifying current cursor sql template #api (#14626)
  • Fix Join Org #api (#14620)
  • [OBS-480] add read facet options in event repo for event scope #api (#14618)
api-2024-05-14-15-38-38 - Tuesday, May 14 2024, 15:02 UTC
  • #api fix log extractor panic because of empty query (#14616)
  • #api fix empty filter initialization (#14611)
  • #api [OBS-461] implement pattern skyline monitor plotting for notification service (#14579)
  • #web #api add new rehydrations endpoint with pagination support and frontend changes (#14594)
  • [OBS-477] fix missing definition for event search #api (#14608)
  • #api [OBS-463] Support full body text search for monitors (#14585)
api-2024-05-14-09-38-44 - Tuesday, May 14 2024, 08:07 UTC
  • #api [OBS-449] update skyline creation simulation widget for the new skyline monitors (#14577)
  • Fix Plot Evaluation Window In Test Monitor Notification #api (#14600)
  • #api enable alerting sqs alerts (#14605)
  • #api #agent [VPB-1783] Use OTEL schema in Observer processor (#14603)
  • [VPB-1708] remove global settings regarding Prometheus metrics #agent #api (#14530)
  • add events search #api (#14590)
  • #api Use List Objects instead of List Object Versions (#14518)
  • #api [OBS-311] make pattern skyline job compatible with new monitors (#14361)
  • #api [VPB-1751] Update conf metadata when node template is updated or deleted (#14499)
  • Fix Log Threshold Alert Notification Plot Fix #api (#14589)
  • add facets to events #api (#14564)
  • various fixes to bi data job #api (#14580)
api-2024-05-13-08-53-33 - Monday, May 13 2024, 08:10 UTC
  • #api attach private api zone to prod byconity cluster (#14584)
  • #api [VPB-1729] Return all pipelines in /deployments_v2 (#14554)
  • [OBS-415] add new #api for event histograms (#14536)
  • #api monitorfacet options fix workerpool only getting the first item (#14561)
  • #api Add rehydration API support for DynamoDB backed facet options (#14540)
  • #api fix selector problem (#14547)
  • Add Monitor Plot Bucket To Allowed Buckets #api
  • [OBS-458] - [OBS-464] - New Monitors Flexible Notification Body More Operation Block Support #api (#14542)
  • #api pd alerts for critical pods (#14532)
  • #ch #api Add logging to Kinesis router lambda and fix the bug that caused DynamoDB changes not being observed by Flink (#14538)
  • #api [OBS-469] extended log visitor with with statement and rollup window (#14535)
api-2024-05-09-08-19-29 - Wednesday, May 8 2024, 23:56 UTC
  • [VPB-1674] #agent #api add custom labels for Loki integration (#14524)
  • Change Monitor Notification Plot Buckets And Serve Under Static Site #api (#14515)
  • #misc #api #agent [VPB-1759] Address CVE-2023-45288,CVE-2024-24786,CV… (#14503)
  • #misc #agent #api [VPB-1759] Address CVE-2022-29583 (#14502)
api-2024-05-08-14-48-22 - Wednesday, May 8 2024, 14:07 UTC
  • #test #api [VPB-1749] Prevent panic in e2e/health/node test (#14496)
api-2024-05-03-11-26-14 - Friday, May 3 2024, 10:42 UTC
  • #api #ch [LP-699] Enable pattern ingestion in Benthos in production (#14436)
  • #api fix monitor status snoozed facet options #14438
  • #api [OBS-357] Support log threshold for monitor creation (#14421)
  • #api [VPB-1638] Include 4 latest agent release versions in release info response (#14413)
  • #api Enable Kinesis stream for production monitors table (#14428)
  • #agent #api [OBS-357] Add log threshold rule for rollup settings (#14422)
  • use default read endpoint name when feature-flag service is not responsive for event repo #api (#14417)
  • [OBS-294] - [OBS-129] - New Monitors Flexible Notification Body Parse And Test Notification #api
  • #api fix update snoozing expression setting null fields for monitors #14410
  • #api [VPB-1711] Fetch nodespec and references required to construct visualizer nodes (#14403)
  • #api Allow no query field for Workload metrics (#14393)
  • #api [OBS-292] implement monitor event write repo and monitor state to event conversion (#14338)
api-2024-05-01-15-02-20 - Wednesday, May 1 2024, 14:23 UTC
  • #api [VPB-1711] Include visualizer nodes by default for pipeline deployments (#14385)
  • business intelligence job fix #api (#14395)
  • #api [OBS-363] add snoozing and renotification ability to new monitor notification service (#14303)
  • #api #ch [LP-663] Pattern ingestion and ByConity schema definitions (#14186)
  • #api #agent [VPB-1586] Use void output node for output nodes when testing (#14347)
api-2024-04-30-16-05-39 - Tuesday, April 30 2024, 14:25 UTC
  • #api flink change dynamodb attribute of alert threshold #14375
  • [OBS-366] adding monitor histogram #api and read repo (#14315)
  • #api #web migrate threshold to alert_threshold (#14373)
  • #api removed hardcoded Box part for metric provider selection to honor flag settings (#14372)
api-2024-04-30-12-33-16 - Tuesday, April 30 2024, 11:50 UTC
  • #api [OBS-403] fix clustering ANTLR not unescaping backslashes for elasticsearch #14365
  • [OBS-352] add daily active agents table to bi data #api (#14346)
  • #api [OBS-357] Fix route for fetching monitors from agents (#14362)
  • #api skip heartbeat rollup from s3 via spark (#14339)
  • #api fix panic caused by invalid monitor configurations (#14336)
  • #api fix notification service failing because of sqs access (#14335)
  • #api skip avro files in spark rollup (#14329)
  • #api If default tenant group is not found and single tenant return error (#14317)
  • #api [OBS-399] Increase free trial period to 30 days (#14300)
  • #api change update monitor request body to monitor #14296
  • #api change muted facet to snoozed for monitors (#14292)
  • #api [VPB-1531] Prevent Nil Panic in Health Repo (#14091)
  • [OBS-391] fix API pods become unready during graceful shutdown #api (#14272)
  • [OBS-362] handle states of monitors with no groupBy in query at #api side (#14289)
  • #api monitor facets set true and false options initially and fix time duration suffix trimming #14290
  • [OBS-386] add resolve monitor state api endpoint #api (#14276)
  • #api [OBS-380] add muting/unmuting ability to monitors with monitor facet being searchable by facet options (#14286)
  • #api extend antlr metric visitor to parse CQL query with evaluated groups for monitor notifications (#14249)
  • #api [OBS-378] updated api with monitor antlr user friendly messages (#14266)
  • #api [VPB-1306] Fix mispelled event type value (#14228)
  • #api [OBS-380] add support for triggered facet options for monitor state facet options #14279
  • [ED-10527] fix notification service deployment failure because of region missing #api (#14270)
  • #ch #api add severity text events table (#14265)
  • #api #web [OBS-390] pattern skyline job adjustments for better customer exp (#14268)
  • [ED-10527] fix notifaction service deploy failure #api (#14267)
  • #api [OBS-360] added monitor antlr muted search (#14264)
  • #api disable proportion check for pattern skyline job #14263
  • #agent #api Move debug output to beta (#14259)
  • [OBS-359] not update monitor state when state is not changed #api (#14251)
  • #api [OBS-355] use monitor configuration from dynamostreams instead of getting monitor from dynamodb #14255
  • #api [OBS-360] added monitor state triggered search (#14254)
  • #api Temporary limit on debug output api response (#14256)
  • [OBS-338] use monitor config in monitor state webhook from flink #api (#14250)
  • [OBS-347] round histogram windows to be able to divide 24 hours without a reminder #api (#14190)
  • #ch #api Disable sync job and lambda update (#14241)
api-2024-04-22-16-05-39 - Monday, April 22 2024, 15:21 UTC
  • #ch #api Delete eu metering and switch to us redis (#14240)
  • [OBS-74] fix log search histogram #api (#14151)
  • #api [OBS-288] implement notification service for new monitors (#14212)
  • #api added required KMS policy to eventbridge pipe #14235
  • #api [OBS-290] implemented server side monitor notification plot rendering (#14195)
api-2024-04-22-10-10-15 - Monday, April 22 2024, 09:26 UTC
  • #ch #api TUI ingestion path fix (#14233)
  • #api [OBS-295] Initial version for agent side log threshold visitor (#14135)
  • [OBS-349] change order of monitor state facets #api (#14222)
  • [OBS-346] add type facets to monitor state #api (#14217)
  • #api #storage change eventbridge pipe filter from NewImage to Keys #14215
  • #api add monitor_id to monitor in update method in monitor repo #14213
  • #api [OBS-285] Top K processor for monitoring Flink job (#14085)
  • fix keys contains duplicates error for batch operations #api (#14208)
  • enable org deprovision job in staging #api (#14191)
  • [OBS-282] add slinding as default evaluation type #api (#14203)
  • [OBS-282] add priority enum handle for monitor config #api (#14201)
  • #api #misc [VPB-1623] Limit object lifecycle for debug_output (#14182)
  • #api [VPB-1306] Update docs for event upload endpoint (#14184)
  • #ch #api Ingester iam policies and routing added for eu central 1 (#14187)
  • #api small monitoring API fixes (#14176)
  • [OBS-289] extend webhook api to process batch request from flink and calculate delta changes #api (#14141)
  • #ch #api add patterns routing to lambda and modify platform support service for queue creation (#14179)
  • fix monitor config creation status #api (#14170)
  • #agent #api [VPB-1623] Debug output file based on configuration id (#14161)
  • #api [VPB-1567] Filter integrations by version compatibility (#14093)
  • #web #api [OBS-211] Add monitor status page (#14166)
  • #ch #api add patterns to new shared hub bucket and add event notifications to prefix (#14171)
  • #api fix authz rule for update monitor endpoint and fix segfault on delete monitor endpoint (#14169)
  • #ch #api Add ingester for new large tenant group (#14164)
  • #api swagger changes and method change for update monitor endpoint #14168
  • #api #misc fix monitoring eventbridge pipe role (#14165)
  • #api #storage [OBS-291] implement required aws services for monitor notifications and events in terraform (#14130)
  • [OBS-284] changes monitor service response and adding name as facet to monitoring service #api (#14162)
  • #api [OBS-295] Implement agent monitors endpoint (#14102)
  • #agent #api Update config validation error of ED debug output node (#14146)
api-2024-04-16-16-14-39 - Tuesday, April 16 2024, 15:33 UTC
  • #api [OBS-310] Add K8s events node to Helm and Kubernetes default charts (#14137)
  • #ch #api Add missing lambda zone count (#14155)
  • Fix Clickhouse Endpoint Missing Access Schema #api (#14154)
  • #api #web [OBS-309] add ability to disable/enable suppression and change similarity suppression window for skyline monitor (#14139)
api-2024-04-15-15-51-07 - Monday, April 15 2024, 14:20 UTC
  • #api #misc Build lambdas with CGO_ENABLED=0 (#14126)
  • #api Create new set when gathering compound node metadata (#14124)
  • #agent #api Remove Debug Output node from ED Outputs (#14120)
  • [VPB-1589] #api #agent fix path extract panic (#14114)
  • #agent #api Move slice/utils to listext package (#14110)
  • refactor update monitor request and naming fix #api (#14070)
  • #api [VPB-1543] [VPB-1560] [VPB-1569] Store compound nodes metadata of conf (#14028)
  • #api [VPB-1123] Restrict integration name from containing comma (#14105)
  • #api [VPB-1535] Add mock endpoints to access samples (#14106)
  • #agent #api [VPB-1586] Improve test harness of pipelines (#14100)
api-2024-04-11-23-24-38 - Thursday, April 11 2024, 22:07 UTC
  • #agent #api [VPB-1586] Validate config before testing agent (#14090)
  • #api [OBS-301] Fix Stripe initialization during org creation (#14108)
  • #api improve logging on pattern skyline job #14075
api-2024-04-09-18-18-08 - Tuesday, April 9 2024, 17:42 UTC
  • [VPB-1592]update to demo input node validation #agent #api (#14088)
api-2024-04-08-17-54-24 - Monday, April 8 2024, 17:28 UTC
  • Revert "#api #misc cleanup unused pattern related logic in api (#14067)" (#14073)
  • Fix a crash cause in #api from distinct dimensions (#14042)
  • #api [OBS-233] Add API ingestion phase and some bugfix & refactoring for monitoring job (#14052)
api-2024-04-08-13-59-20 - Monday, April 8 2024, 12:38 UTC
  • delete RadMetrics and rename ReadMetricsV2 to ReadMetrics #api (#14071)
  • #api monitor and monitor state facet options fix dynamo query for high number of facet options (#14066)
  • #api #misc cleanup unused pattern related logic in api (#14067)
  • #api [OBS-189] Remove Snowflake related batch jobs and their bleed areas (#14022)
  • #api [VPB-1584] Fix conf removal for isolated diagnostic (#14068)
  • #api monitors update endpoint and some small refactors (#14065)
  • #api point default k8s yaml tofrom intead of (#14064)
api-2024-04-05-22-55-41 - Friday, April 5 2024, 22:27 UTC
  • #api Check last_error is string (#14061)
  • #agent #api Improvements on demo output node (#14011)
  • #api [VPB-1582] Fix incorrect input/output types for nested compound nodes (#14029)
  • #api attach private api staging zone to staging byconity cluster (#14054)
  • #api added concatenated group names to the monitor state #14051
  • [OBS-268] initialize monitor updater and updated #api (#14050)
  • first iteration of monitor state receiver #api (#14043)
  • #api [OBS-262] implemented facet options for monitor and monitor states (#14040)
  • #agent Fix nil pointers exceptions (#14037)
  • #ch #api add clickhouse to log facet top level fields and scale the cluster (#14035)
  • [OBS-224] #api monitor config facet options and search #api (#13960)
  • #web #tool #ci [OBS-152] More coverage for shared types (#14006)
  • #api change monitor state creation logic and state facet name (#14026)
api-2024-04-04-14-02-06 - Thursday, April 4 2024, 12:23 UTC
  • #api [OBS-225] implement monitor states api (#13982)
  • [OBS-266] add honoring order in monitor repos #api (#14021)
  • #api [OBS-233] Metric threshold monitor job PoC using Flink (#13995)
  • #agent #api Add name to Debug Strategy (#14015)
  • #agent #api Remove k8s env type check (#14014)
  • #agent #api [VPB-1581] Check for nil object type (#14013)
  • [VPB-1532] #api #agent Fix mask processor nil pointer exception (#13979)
  • #agent #api Nodespec Resource Transform to Beta (#14009)
  • #agent [VPB-1552] Update Stats Processor logging (#14001)
  • #api #agent Make fields visible in resource transform (#14003)
  • [OBS-240] update org deprovision job to only deprovision SKU observability orgs #api (#13987)
  • #agent [VPB-1427] Debug output API (#13789)
  • #api refactor facet options provider and functions for monitoring facet options provider (#13993)
api-2024-04-03-15-01-32 - Wednesday, April 3 2024, 14:08 UTC
  • Skip Purge Public Domain Signups Job #api #13991
  • Allow/Prevent Public Domain Signup With Feature Flag #api (#13988)
  • #api changed querying logic to concurrent gets for monitor ID gets monitoring #13977
  • #agent Update api logs to use variable latency (#13980)
  • #api [OBS-205] implemented CQL parser for monitors (#13962)
  • Handle Escape Skyline Slack Payload #api #13974
  • #web #api #tool [OBS-152] Use shared schema in stats, logs, knowledge and facets types (#13968)
  • #test [VPB-1571] Disable certain jobs in metrics dogfood (#13970)
  • #agent [VPB-1356] Extend TCP and Local Storage for additional types (#13766)
  • [VPB-1522] #api #agent Move enrich to experimental (#13957)
  • [OBS-248] rehydration bytes analyzed fix #api (#13949)
  • #api [OBS-255] ANTLR term extractor for monitor denormalization (#13961)
  • #api [VPB-1305] Upload endpoint for events (#13781)
  • #agent #api [OBS-250] Revert default behavior for pod management schedule (#13951)
  • #api [OBS-228] implement repo layer for monitor and monitor states (#13914)
  • #agent #api Address linter issues (#13783)
  • #test #api Update log statements is dogfood/hostedenv test (#13943)
  • #ch #api create s3 buckets for flink state checkpoints (#13947)
  • #api [OBS-227] add monitor state facets to terraform #13929
  • add otel support to agent troubleshooter service #api (#13937)