Changelog - Web

web-2024-07-25-13-01-00 - Thursday, July 25 2024, 12:51 UTC
  • #web add events menu to the unified license orgs (#15754)
  • #web [OBS-517] add legend to log & event pie chart (#15744)
  • #web refactor and reuse code in user/group permission modals (#15724)
  • #web [OBS-694] Show banner to promote plan upgrade when org is downgraded to free (#15729)
  • #web [VPB-1953] logos in node creation menu (#15707)
  • #web improve support panel licenses view (#15721)
  • #web [OBS-517] implement pie chart for log & event group by view (#15715)
  • #web Various changes to TimeFilter and IntervalPicker components (#15719)
  • #web [vpb-2035] Fix multiselection CN creation button being obscured (#15680)
  • #web [vpb-1548] Attach pipeline environment to new pipeline requests (#15682)
  • #web add support audit logs (#15700)
  • #web [VPb-2003] view samples modal (#15490)
  • #web [OBS-517] implement timeseries for log & event group by view (#15695)
  • #web update facet scope for k8s events page (#15696)
  • #web [OBS-675][OBS-669] Add support shortcuts for downgrading or extending trial for org (#15693)
  • #web add active agents to the support org table (#15689)
  • #web add Kubernetes events page (#15674)
  • #api [OBS-657] implement new product flow stripe changes (#15600)
web-2024-07-22-15-57-15 - Monday, July 22 2024, 15:01 UTC
  • #web allow accessing edit monitors page for demo orgs (#15665)
  • #web [OBS-517] implement group by view for events (#15667)
  • #web fix various z-index issues with modals and popovers (#15659)
  • #web [OBS-517] implement group by table in log search (#15633)
  • #web [vpb-2140] Start sending onboarding param for allSourcesSelected to API (#15643)
  • #web add configs and warehouse queries tab to support panel (#15640)
  • #web update support license page to handle enterprise upgrades (#15638)
  • #web refactor and simplify Graph component usage (#15611)
  • #web [VPB-2100] Support highlighting across key/value pair in JSON view (#15564)
  • #web [vpb-2038] Implement path highlighting in Compound Node Builder (#15590)
  • #web improve the context passed to Sentry for easier debugging (#15606)
  • #web update packages and refactor sass mixins (#15551)
  • #web Add support for minimum and maximum agent count (#15578)
web-2024-07-17-16-45-41 - Wednesday, July 17 2024, 15:55 UTC
  • #web fix log histogram not cancelling (#15587)
  • #web add option to hide receivers in monitor notifications (#15586)
  • #web metrics explorer show predefined rollup windows for selected lookback (#15584)
  • [OBS-597] - [OBS-704] - Monitor Notification Hide Options For Receiver Handlers #api #ch #web (#15561)
  • #web [vpb-1618] Show both CN names in detail drawer (#15563)
  • #web [vpb-2010] Remove lookback control from VPB (#15544)
  • #web update support panel with the new unified license structure (#15555)
  • #web add user identification to Clarity events (#15549)
  • #web [vpb-2039] Preserve selected edges across graph rerenders / changes (#15530)
  • #web [vpb-2099] Add minutes remaining indicators to onboarding (#15505)
  • #web [vpb-2040] Add refresh button to Debug Output page (#15502)
web-2024-07-12-14-45-57 - Friday, July 12 2024, 14:35 UTC
  • #web handle searching in metric selection dropdown (#15525)
  • #web [OBS-793] hide facets before initial loading in filters widget (#15524)
  • #web [OBS-808] Support support users for billing endpoints (#15485)
  • #web [OBS-802] Temporarily disable usage chart on plan page (#15523)
  • #web [OBS-799] fix k8s overview empty message (#15517)
  • #web add new metrics explorer page (#15479)
  • #web [OBS-805] handle facet operation errors (#15511)
  • #web [VPB-1858] fleet table updates (#15506)
  • #web [vpb-2056] Send emails via CN endpoint instead of directly (#15483)
web-2024-07-11-14-56-44 - Thursday, July 11 2024, 14:42 UTC
  • #web [OBS-790] enable time navigation for log search (#15454)
  • #web improve usability of new support panel (#15497)
  • #web [OBS-794] hide filters toggle in Workload Details page (#15473)
  • #web show pattern skyline events that also in warn state in log anomalies page (#15498)
  • #web [VPB-1859] more fleet table sorting options (#15464)
  • #web [VPB-2008] hide "add agents" button for cloud fleets (#15447)
web-2024-07-10-16-15-43 - Wednesday, July 10 2024, 16:01 UTC
  • #web fix facets alignment in patterns page (#15478)
  • #web handle lowercase event severity_text (#15474)
  • #web [OBS-796] remove extra padding in top level filter facets (#15467)
  • #web improve chart tooltips for monitor preview (#15461)
  • #web [OBS-791] fix multi select chip delete icon color (#15460)
  • #web [VPB-1812] Add Copy Actions to Knowledge library tabs (#15463)
  • #web [VPB-2022] treat all samples consistently (#15446)
web-2024-07-09-17-50-18 - Tuesday, July 9 2024, 15:39 UTC
  • #web add license page to the new support app (#15443)
  • #web [OBS-785] Hide legacy monitors for new orgs (#15438)
  • #web [vpb-2076] Make Debug Output a selectable option in onboarding (#15445)
  • #web [VPB-1814] Add CEL library to Knowledge Libraries (#15441)
  • #web [VPB-1129] regex, grok, cel suggestion chips (#15414)
  • #web [VPB-2020] get confId and tag when fetching agent counts (#15380)
  • #web [OBS-740] new filters widget styling (#15444)
web-2024-07-08-18-13-06 - Monday, July 8 2024, 15:57 UTC
  • #web [OBS-693] change api token creation to one form (#15415)
  • remove e8 from access page #web (#15436)
  • #api #web [OBS-788] add org id to as a param to monitor notification and UI suggestions (#15435)
  • #web implement new demo modal visuals (#15432)
  • #web add support panel agents tab (#15411)
  • #web refactor and make useStableCallback hook always stable (#15413)
  • #web [VPB-1811] Create new Knowledge Libraries page (#15378)
  • #web [vpb-2070] Add FF to gate source detection for *nix environments (#15410)
  • #web add support agent releases and limits tabs (#15408)
  • #web [VPB-1796] added sources and samples to node testing (#14907)
web-2024-07-05-15-37-13 - Friday, July 5 2024, 13:55 UTC
  • #web fix some odd issues on the web app (#15404)
  • #web add modal to demo env for collecting emails (#15407)
  • #web add support users and resources tables (#15400)
web-2024-07-04-15-51-07 - Thursday, July 4 2024, 15:28 UTC
  • #web improve graph legend and context menu (#15359)
  • #web fix workloads metrics not showing (#15396)
  • #web [vpb-2068] Update the param names we send to test grok endpoint (#15375)
  • #web [vpb-2060] Remove debug output from node view (#15355)
  • #grafana #web Catch errors while fetching metrics (#15374)
  • #grafana #web [OBS-771] Show facet options as a dropdown instead of free text field when defining Grafana variables (#15373)
  • #web exclude referrer on login redirect (#15371)
  • #grafana #web Increase limit to 1000 when retrieving variable values in Grafana dashboards (#15363)
  • #grafana #web [OBS-761] Add support for variables in Grafana plugin (#15351)
  • #web fix log-search auto-refresh row highlighting (#15348)
  • #web improve empty log histogram and simplify empty chart (#15344)
  • #web fix delete permission not working on groups (#15328)
  • #web add tabbed layout for support panel (#15319)
  • #web fix demo user access issues (#15329)
  • #web [VPB-1610][VPB-1921] Implement Grok Pattern Testing (#15312)
  • #web [vpb-1624] No Agents banner should point to new pipeline onboarding (#15254)
  • #web [vpb-2029] Poll source detection during onboarding (#15295)
  • #web use Prettier for formatting css files (#15323)
  • #web [OBS-746] Change origin of monitor explore link (#15311)
  • #web [OBS-603] Disable sending events to segment from staging (#15309)
  • #web POC for Access app React migration (#15253)
  • #web add GCL to Legacy Integration (#15296)
  • #web [VPB-1969][VPB-1756] Implement Use Default Sources option in Onboarding (#15227)
web-2024-06-27-18-59-12 - Thursday, June 27 2024, 14:12 UTC
  • #web #docs Update docs about schema generation and devtools. (#15287)
  • #web #api fix org settings schema response (#15280)
  • #web update packages to latest versions (#15292)
  • #web remove K8s events new feature banner (#15286)
  • #web add new events to log anomalies (#15264)
  • #web [OBS-720] Add monitor specific variables to autocomplete (#15270)
  • #web [VPB-1922] Show sources detected from *nix (#15250)
  • #web [OBS-721] Fix unknown variants in mantine component usage (#15269)
web-2024-06-26-11-40-19 - Wednesday, June 26 2024, 10:21 UTC
  • #web #tool [OBS-376] Move older .data hooks to new hook scheme (#15251)
  • Support Quote In Flexible Notification Body Content Section #api #web #15252
  • #web only add monospace font to table columns conditionally (#15228)
  • #web #ci Migrate to BiomeJS (#15225)
web-2024-06-25-17-50-53 - Tuesday, June 25 2024, 16:40 UTC
  • #web add error messages for monitor creation (#15249)
  • #web fix active row colors for data tables (#15242)
  • #web add wildcard to empty monitor query (#15243)
  • #web [OBS-721] Type mantine component custom variants (#15237)
  • #web [OBS-647] Make notification group selection searchable (#15204)
web-2024-06-24-13-02-45 - Monday, June 24 2024, 12:54 UTC
  • #web [OBS-614] Filter out non-k8s tags on overview (#15197)
  • #web [OBS-701] Fix wrong entry of custom headers in integrations (#15216)
  • #web hide anomalies time filters and allow clearing pattern comparison (#15215)
  • #web [vpb-1492] Update duplicate node naming (#15208)
  • #web [vpb-1492] Implement Duplicate Node Action in VPB (#15207)
  • #web [VPB-1817] update fleets table icons and drawer (#15205)
  • #web [VPB-1699] add diff to edit yaml modal (#15190)
  • #web [OBS-659] Fix k8s workloads filtering (#15202)
  • #web [vpb-1931] Change Debug Output page picker to fleets (#15187)
  • #web Fix router warning about Element vs Component (#15180)
web-2024-06-20-18-30-20 - Thursday, June 20 2024, 17:57 UTC
  • #web [VPB-1731] add cloud fleet support to new pipeline modal (#15184)
  • #web [OBS-662] updated table design (#15162)
  • #web [OBS-646] Fix auto-completing users and integrations breaking with templating (#15170)
web-2024-06-18-21-12-56 - Tuesday, June 18 2024, 21:02 UTC
  • #web [OBS-664] restyle menu items (#15164)
  • #web Cleanup unused code (#15153)
  • #web [VPB-2000] vpb route guard fix (#15155)
  • #web Fix pipeliens table dates (#15154)
  • #web [VPB-1934] keep tab state in search params (#15100)
web-2024-06-14-17-37-05 - Friday, June 14 2024, 17:29 UTC
  • #web fix old alerts not updating without page refresh (#15144)
  • #web disable Grafana pages for demo environment (#15142)
  • #web [VPB-1969] Ask for v3-source-detection templates based on respective FF (#15128)
web-2024-06-13-14-42-43 - Thursday, June 13 2024, 14:37 UTC
  • #web tweaks for demo environment (#15121)
  • #web [OBS-658] Show loader on Anomalies page (#15118)
web-2024-06-13-10-27-05 - Thursday, June 13 2024, 10:07 UTC
  • #web get available rollup windows dynamically (#15110)
  • #web [OBS-645] Revisit mapping ai model names at the frontend (#15108)
  • #web add group dropdown to monitor notification test modal (#15099)
  • #web add new styles for slider (#15101)
  • #web [VPB-1682] Add highlighting to JsonView component (#15097)
  • #web [VPB-1933] added service name to sources table (#15062)
  • #web convert log histogram to new graph (#15083)
  • #web add custom tooltip component to Graph (#14927)
  • #web [VPB-1932] insights page (#15041)
  • #web [vpb-1962] Update sources page table (#15067)
  • #web [VPB-1702] new node selection menu (#15040)
  • #web [OBS-640] Remove hourly-pipeline-status FF (#15094)
  • #web make pattern offset single selection (#15090)
  • #web add monitor create button to log search and patterns (#15089)
  • #web Add ready tag for investigation report (#15092)
  • #web [OBS-589][OBS-639] Remove rehydration-dynamodb-facets FF and cleanup facets optionality (#15082)
  • #web [OBS-575] Add AI Cards to Events Page detail drawer (#15058)
  • #web [OBS-589] Remove distinct dimensions hook usage (#15078)
  • #web #api implement changes for the new demo environment (#14971)
  • #web [OBS-589] Remove metrics-use-otel-schema FF (#15075)
  • #web unify log drawer and events drawer styles (#15059)
  • #web [OBS-589] Remove non-otel workloads page (#15064)
  • #web [OBS-625] Remove workload-metrics FF (#15063)
  • #web add navigation from monitor pages to event pages (#15060)
  • #web [OBS-625] Remove legacy metrics explorer (#15061)
  • #web [vpb-1902] Show min agent version field when no agents running (#15039)
  • #api #web [OBS-621] Handle loading state for Membership Requests table and improve API (#15030)
web-2024-06-11-11-34-36 - Tuesday, June 11 2024, 11:16 UTC
  • #web fix a few issues with monitors missing data (#15053)
  • #web [OBS-483] Fix window and groupby for new query constructor (#15050)
  • #web [VPB-1960] Fix race condition in Edit node drawer YAML editor (#15034)
  • #web [OBS-375] Remove maintenence page and check (#15037)
  • #web [vpb-1918] Fix onboarding environment selection (#14995)
  • #web [vpb-1896] Enable scrolling Monaco editor (#15008)
  • #web [OBS-579] restyled the notifications (#14998)
  • #web [VPB-1868] use tabs for route node test output paths (#14956)
  • #web [VPB-1864] use regex display names in testing modal (#14949)
  • #web [OBS-592] Implement thumbs up/down frontend for OnCall AI (#14966)
  • #web [VPB-1894] clear /deployments cache when a pipeline is updated (#14948)
  • #web [OBS-587] Stabilize k8s bubble chart props to reprevent re-render (#15033)
  • #web [OBS-483] Use new query constructor for metrics queries (#15031)
  • #web [OBS-373] Separate SVGs into their own files (#15027)
  • #web [OBS-568] Separate template_id(s) for v2, v3 endpoints (#15025)
  • #web move settings out of the icon dropdown in patterns page (#14996)
  • #web fix incorrect layer order in chromatic (#15010)
  • #web make nested color scheme overrides possible (#15006)
web-2024-06-06-17-42-18 - Thursday, June 6 2024, 17:24 UTC
  • #web add priority field to monitor creation (#14992)
  • #web [vpb-1957] Hide Legacy Fleets page in the navbar we show for orgs on old subscription plan (#14993)
  • #web [OBS-600] Fix integrations auto-complete (#14994)
  • #web Use preview chart data in testing notifications for monitors (#14987)
  • #web monitor creation fixes, tweaks and refactor (#14977)
  • #web [OBS-561] Separate payload input for webhook and pagerduty integrations (#14979)
  • #web do not show upgrade banner for development versions (#14575)
  • #web [OBS-573] container update (#14975)
  • #web [vpb-1885] Fix Splunk Output node TLS errors (#14973)
  • #web [vpb-1917] Make fleet search case insensitive (#14972)
  • #web [OBS-569] color cleanup (#14957)
  • #web [OBS-561] Similify integration modal code (#14965)
  • #web [VPB-1559] Fix safeDateFormat not parsing dates with timezone correctly (#14958)
  • #web [OBS-543][OBS-544][OBS-586] Move org create and join to new onboarding flow. (#14935)
  • #web [vpb-1924] Hide Edit pipeline buttons for v2 fleets (#14951)
web-2024-06-04-17-49-52 - Tuesday, June 4 2024, 17:28 UTC
  • #web [vpb-1928] Fix Log Anomalies E2E Tests (#14952)
  • #web [OBS-576] AI card carousel clean up (#14946)
  • #web increase limit to 40 from 10 (#14950)
  • #web [VPB-1841] new regex textarea (#14909)
  • #web [VPB-1914] Implement Tree UI for sources selection with search (#14933)
  • #web [vpb-1823] Revert debug line (#14931)
  • #web [VPB-1823] Integrate source and destination selection endpoint (#14894)
  • #web convert patterns chart to new chart component (#14890)
  • #web fix CSS color tokens not loading (#14905)
  • #web [OBS-486] [OBS-487] tabs and segmented control (#14895)
web-2024-05-30-17-50-09 - Thursday, May 30 2024, 16:42 UTC
  • #web [OBS-170][VPB-1471] Show correct error notification on agent config failure (#14887)
  • #web add monitor details page and severity histogram (#14848)
  • #web [OBS-485] Show cancel button in legacy monitors form (#14860)
web-2024-05-29-21-10-09 - Wednesday, May 29 2024, 19:33 UTC
  • #web [OBS-515] Enable autocomplete in monitor notification title (#14856)
  • #web Narrow context while querying notification groups (#14818)
web-2024-05-29-18-38-25 - Wednesday, May 29 2024, 18:19 UTC
  • #web Make sure friendly names of AI models start with the same letter (#14834)
  • #web [vpb-1786] Add number of agents to pipeline status table and drawer (#14854)
  • #web [vpb-1899] Update integrations template ID (#14853)
  • #web [VPB-1892] Update deployment status table columns (#14831)
  • #web [ED-9357] Remove enable-metrics-pages flag (#14839)
  • #web add pattern skyline monitor simulation chart (#14781)
  • #web [OBS-489] Oncall AI UI Improvements (#14793)
  • #web [VPB-1846] persist custom sample logs in regex testing modal (#14790)
  • #web [vpb-1788] Implement fleet sort by number of agents (#14824)
  • #web [VPB-1886] Do not default to showing first pipeline in the list and unsubscribe delete events (#14825)
  • #web [vpb-1797] When deleting a node reconnect remaining edges to correct route path output (#14789)
  • #web fix analytics user identification and other bugs (#14819)
  • #web Disable warning threshold in notification test when not set in mornitor (#14811)
  • #web [OBS-548] Fix onboarding last step (#14809)
  • #web [OBS-520] Auto-complete integrations in notification body (#14802)
web-2024-05-27-12-40-37 - Monday, May 27 2024, 12:22 UTC
  • #web frontend to use external id or email like backend (#14800)
web-2024-05-27-09-27-48 - Monday, May 27 2024, 08:35 UTC
  • Revert "#web #api frontend to use external id or email like backend (#14794)"
  • #web #api frontend to use external id or email like backend (#14794)
  • #web close join modal (#14786)
  • #web [vpb-1809] Do not show validation errors when node is initially created (#14788)
  • #web [VPB-1845] default regex and apply regex to node configuration (#14769)
  • #web [VPB-1840] add clear button to regex input (#14766)
  • #web [VPB-1837] add regex samples to test node diff (#14753)
  • #web [OBS-385] add correct colors to bar charts (#14751)
  • #web [VPB-1870] Rename fleet delete modal and fix deploy button (#14773)
  • #web [OBS-521] Update monitor form validity with notification body state (#14783)
  • #web [OBS-546] Send multiple groups in notification test (#14780)
web-2024-05-23-21-48-33 - Thursday, May 23 2024, 21:13 UTC
  • #web [OBS-537] Fix transforming semvonv0 filters to semconv1 in rehydrations (#14771)
web-2024-05-23-19-01-53 - Thursday, May 23 2024, 18:25 UTC
  • #web close modal after org has been created (#14767)
  • #web [OBS-523] fix accept new member modal closing (#14765)
web-2024-05-23-10-57-42 - Thursday, May 23 2024, 10:50 UTC
  • #web Fix active nodes check in onboarding (#14757)
  • #api #web added ai responses to findings endpoint (#14730)
  • #web [VPB-1831] Show required state in integration form fields (#14749)
  • #web [vpb-1463] Hide v2 pipelines from new customers (#14746)
  • #web [vpb-1850] Fix typo in deploy modal (#14744)
  • #web [OBS-537][OBS-538][OBS-539] Fix source filters while editing rehydrations (#14745)
  • #web [VPB-1842] invalidate pipelines and deployments caches when CN is saved (#14724)
  • #web [VPB-1769] delete config if new fleet modal is closed before deploy (#14721)
  • #web #api Update MonitorStatus enum (#14740)
  • #web #tool Include source_service in schema deps and fix missing column (#14739)
  • [OBS-491] add validation to metric alert and pattern skyline alert defs #api #web (#14697)
  • #web improve Graph styling, add docs, and update packages (#14714)
  • #web Handle no event id passed inevents/monitors (#14732)
  • #web [vbp-1659] Show legacy pipeline page only when they have v2 agents, regardless of pipelines sku (#14722)
  • #web open monitor events page drawer automatically when ID exists (#14718)
  • #web add an ID to target DOM (#14723)
  • #web [OBS-488] add config meta data to segment events in onboarding (#14703)
  • #web [VPB-1835] Limit onboarding destination picker to v3 integrations (#14704)
  • #web [OBS-519] OncallAI status showing incorrectly as false for non-admin users (#14706)
  • #web [OBS-387] Edit Facet Dialog Box Doesn't Clearly Show Edit Path Isn't Allowed (#14707)
  • #web [OBS-422] Test monitor notifications with state (#14684)
  • #web [OBS-210] Onboarding - new design (#14116)
  • #web add preview chart for log-threshold monitor (#14693)
web-2024-05-20-22-46-55 - Monday, May 20 2024, 22:39 UTC
  • #web [VPB-1834] create hosted agent RC guard (#14705)
  • #web [vpb-1822] Show empty graph placeholders for fleets with no stats (#14698)
  • #web [VPB-1763] add output path testing to node diff component (#14651)
  • #web enable facet search in patterns when clickhouse (#14682)
  • #web [VPB-1747] Show Fleets associated with a pipeline (#14683)
  • #web add events page drawer (#14676)
  • #web [OBS-428] Bulk monitor actions (#14652)
  • #web [VPB-1774] update new fleet progression logic (#14670)
web-2024-05-16-18-35-46 - Thursday, May 16 2024, 18:33 UTC
  • #web allow create-monitor regardless of sku (#14671)
  • #web [VPB-1771] Finish destinations selection logic in onboarding modal (#14650)
web-2024-05-16-16-38-09 - Thursday, May 16 2024, 16:24 UTC
  • #web Handle pending status while creating hosted agent (#14669)
  • #web improve events page visuals (#14649)
  • #web #api add remap to v0 for source filters and increase facet options limit (#14664)
  • #web [OBS-430] Add validation check for notification body and include matcher templates (#14661)
  • #web Always use aggregation when fetching metrics_v2 (#14663)
web-2024-05-15-17-17-28 - Wednesday, May 15 2024, 17:08 UTC
  • #web source filter values were missing scope metric (#14647)
  • #web add monitor events page (#14621)
  • #web [OBS-430] Auto-complete template conditionals and group-by options in monitor notifications (#14644)
web-2024-05-15-16-19-49 - Wednesday, May 15 2024, 16:11 UTC
  • #web Remove CN page beta badge (#14631)
  • #web enable semconv1 in create rehydrations source filters (#14641)
  • #web [OBS-459] Auto-complete recipients in monitor notification (#14635)
  • #web [VPB-1773] Open Detail Drawer after deploying Fleet (#14624)
  • #web Cleanup removed fields form monitors (#14629)
web-2024-05-14-21-51-59 - Tuesday, May 14 2024, 20:25 UTC
  • #web [OBS-433] Markdown editing for notification template (#14609)
  • #web [VPB-1629, VPB-1630] implement CN update flow in CN library (#14601)
  • #web [VPB-1772] move tag step higher in new fleet flow (#14622)
  • #web [vpb-1770] Add timeout to heartbeat logic (#14599)
  • #web label was not updated - fixed (#14617)
  • #web make source filter always static in create rehydrations (#14614)
  • #web add pattern anomaly monitor page (#14610)
  • #web #api add new rehydrations endpoint with pagination support and frontend changes (#14594)
  • #web implement composable Graph component (#14598)
  • #web [OBS-451, OBS-460] remove recipients and move monitor name input on monitor creation form (#14602)
  • #web [vpb-1741][vpb-1780] Add last updated to Debug Output (#14596)
  • #web[OBS-419] Renotify and basic snooze (#14569)
  • #web auto-generate design tokens and refactor banner styles (#14570)
  • #web [VPB-1777] Fix all E2E tests (#14571)
  • #web Fix Fleets page hidden condition (#14567)
web-2024-05-10-15-30-04 - Friday, May 10 2024, 15:08 UTC
  • #web refactor new Banner component styles (#14566)
  • #web Unhide pipeline/pipelines (#14565)
web-2024-05-09-21-50-18 - Thursday, May 9 2024, 21:37 UTC
  • #web [VPB-1765] fix investigation table column widths (#14550)
  • #web implement new banner design and add it to k8s overview page (#14541)
  • #web various fixes for new Monitor creation and notification group by (#14548)
  • #web [VPB-1742][vpb-1746] Clean up Fleets migration (#14477)
  • #web [VPB-1728] show more agent versions when creating/editing hosted agent (#14528)
  • #web [VPB-1758] prevent CN deletion if used in pipelines (#14527)
  • #web simplify auth context (#14470)
web-2024-05-09-10-35-21 - Wednesday, May 8 2024, 21:41 UTC
  • #web [VPB-1736] fix pipeline details table column widths (#14526)
  • #web [VPB-1716] hide vpb actions from plg orgs (#14498)
  • #web implement infinite scrolling in new monitor tables (#14523)
  • #web save active Log Search tab in url hash (#14519)
  • #web [OBS-420] add resolve action to monitor status page (#14500)
  • #web add enabled monitors feature flag (#14513)
  • #web use facet options display name in frontend (#14512)
  • #web separate old and new monitor pages and refactor (#14507)
  • #web [OBS-426] revise facets panel toggle (#14478)
web-2024-05-07-17-43-08 - Tuesday, May 7 2024, 17:12 UTC
  • #web [VPB-1743] show success notification in edit mode only (#14493)
  • #web revert new billing endpoints (#14494)
  • #api #web add org_id requirement to billing endpoints (#14475)
  • #web implement Log Threshold monitor creation page (#14448)
  • #web [vpb-1542] Move pipeline-builder out of components (#14476)
  • #web Safely parse agent retrieved date in no-agents-banner (#14473)
web-2024-05-03-20-53-40 - Friday, May 3 2024, 20:42 UTC
  • #web fix org switch issue metadata save (#14455)
  • #web fix org switch issue for multi-trust saml setup (#14454)
  • #web [VPB-1727] success notification on node edit save changes (#14451)
  • #web [VPB-1326] added sorting by incoming bytes, and added sorting to fleets table (#14453)
  • #web [VPB-1597] Implement Clone Fleet Modal (#14450)
  • #web Code component styling revisions (#14449)
  • #web [VPB-1574] fix highlight key in regex testing output (#14435)
  • #web [VPB-1544] expose throughput diagnostics in compound nodes (#14430)
  • #web [OBS-300] css cleanup (#14431)
web-2024-05-02-17-46-39 - Thursday, May 2 2024, 17:25 UTC
  • #web fix issues with escaping queries containing backslash (#14429)
  • #web remove white background from hubspot chat (#14416)
  • #web [OBS-430] Save monitor notification body as markdown (#14418)
  • #web [OBS-215] Remove zustand (#14409)
  • #web [VPB-1503, VPB-1504, VPB-1586] final node testing improvements (#14415)
  • #web [vpb-1719] Switch Legacy Fleets page to use New Fleet modal (#14406)
  • #web [VPB-1613] include ED destinations in pipeline dashboard visuals (#14389)
  • #web [vpb-1714] Implement heartbeat detection in new fleet modal (#14401)
  • #web [vpb-1644] Remove pipelines tab and show fleets in Pipelines page (#14383)
  • #web [OBS-215] Do not re-initialize org check is user is initialized (#14404)
  • #web [OBS-342] accordion and action icon stories (#14402)
  • #web simplify placeholder component (#14396)
  • #web remove offset when navigating from anomalies to patterns (#14398)
  • #web improve k8s overview events view design (#14399)
  • #web configure DataTable defaults and improve sizing (#14380)
  • #web [VPB-1620] edit node form button actions update (#14358)
  • #web [VPB-1695] Add icons to new pipeline onboarding modal (#14382)
  • #web simplify Mantine React Table types (#14374)
  • #web [VPB-1504] apply light mode styles to test node diff component (#14359)
  • #web [VPB-1695][VPB-1625] Refactor New Pipeline Modal logic (#14356)
  • #api #web migrate threshold to alert_threshold (#14373)
  • #web fix issues with json-schema-to-zod latest version (#14370)
  • #web update packages to latest verisons (#14367)
  • #web [VPB-1503] CEL testing modal button (#14354)
  • #web remove CheckboxList wrapper (#14355)
  • #web [OBS-215] Remove auth, org, user stores (#14343)
web-2024-04-29-18-37-52 - Monday, April 29 2024, 16:47 UTC
  • #web [VPB-1622] new regex input (#14333)
  • #web replace YamlEditor with MonacoEditor (#14340)
  • #web [VPB-1503, VPB-1504] introduce node test diff view behind ff (#14331)
  • #web [vpb-1666] Fix CN Discard Changes button behavior (#14307)
  • #web [VPB-1526] regex and cel testing modals (#14328)
  • #web [OBS-401] Allow user to toggle preset values in rehydrations (#14326)
  • #web [vpb-1645] Rename Pipelines/Fleets correctly (#14308)
  • #web remove DropdownMenu, ProgressBar and Tabs wrappers (#14302)
  • #web remove custom Tag and SegmentedControl components and some unused styles (#14295)
web-2024-04-26-12-24-38 - Friday, April 26 2024, 12:09 UTC
  • #web [OBS-400] Add one more csp source for hubspot chat (#14321)
  • #web [OBS-401] Fetch agent tags in the same time bracket in create-rehydration-modal (#14318)
  • #web additional fixes to inline scripts CSP (#14319)
  • #web fix inline script execution issues caused by CSP (#14316)
web-2024-04-26-09-29-31 - Friday, April 26 2024, 09:14 UTC
  • #web fix crash caused by Placeholder component (#14313)
web-2024-04-25-21-44-51 - Thursday, April 25 2024, 21:24 UTC
  • #web [OBS-400] Add hubspot chat while onboarding (#14306)
  • #web [OBS-340] Add rich text editor for monitor alert notification body (#14274)
  • #web fix build issues caused by monitors schema (#14299)
  • #web implement validation in new monitor create form (#14287)
  • #web disable exclude in new monitors filters widget (#14291)
  • #web [VPB-1594] use comparison library to compare semvers (#14282)
  • #web [VPB-1672] use new key for node template update status (#14261)
  • #web [vpb-1621] Update save pipeline labels (#14281)
  • #web [VPB-1642][VPB-1643][VPB-1644][VPB-1645][VPB-1646][VPB-1647][VPB-1648][VPB-1649][VPB-1650][VPB-1651][VPB-1652] Rename Pipelines to Fleets (#14262)
  • #web streamline lazy module loading and improve echarts types (#14269)
  • #api #web [OBS-390] pattern skyline job adjustments for better customer exp (#14268)
  • #web [VPB-1602] set tags input search value on blur (#14260)
  • #web add warning threshold to new monitor preview (#14257)
web-2024-04-23-20-56-23 - Tuesday, April 23 2024, 17:13 UTC
  • #web [VPB-1506] Show payload instead of Logs (#14225)
  • #web fix issues with Log Search query modification (#14252)
  • #web Add ts-reset (#14246)
  • #web implement K8s overview events chart (#14237)
  • #web [vpb-1635] Show placeholders in EditNodeForm (#14226)
  • #web [VPB-1570] Clean up VPB light mode (#14244)
  • #web [vpb-1566] Add light mode to Code Snippet Copy component (#14242)
  • #web [OBS-277] [OBS-278] Segmented Control and Tab Stories (#14147)
web-2024-04-18-12-08-38 - Thursday, April 18 2024, 11:52 UTC
  • #web fix dashboard icon in enterprise orgs navbar (#14192)
  • #web Cleanup unused code (#14183)
  • #web [OBS-207] Make linting rules stricter (#14180)
  • #web #api [OBS-211] Add monitor status page (#14166)
  • #web minor simplifications to workload details and patterns page (#14173)
web-2024-04-17-16-36-54 - Wednesday, April 17 2024, 14:41 UTC
  • #web implement new monitor creation (#14167)
  • #web add edcql metric language parser to frontend (#14156)
  • #web [ED-9261] Do not cache index.html on CloudFront (#14159)
  • #web [OBS-269] add stories of all types of inputs used (#14145)
  • #api #web [OBS-309] add ability to disable/enable suppression and change similarity suppression window for skyline monitor (#14139)
  • #web scaffold new metric-alert creation and management page (#13950)
  • #web Fix a couple issues spotted due to new icons (#14143)
  • #web [OBS-246] Phosphor icons 2 (#14117)
  • #web [OBS-270, OBS-275, OBS-276] Card, Banner and Notification stories (#14121)
  • #web #tool #ci Remove pr type check on schema sync job. (#14138)
  • #web [OBS-259] Various improvements to onboarding and user settings join page (#14107)
  • #web [VPB-1601] fix suggestion behavior for tagsinput in vpb (#14123)
  • #web [vpb-1496] Fix connect validation of new path outputs and display output type (#14119)
  • #web [vpb-1603] Fix alighnment of node path outputs and padding (#14118)
  • #web [VPB-1481, VPB-1484] CN diff view and pipeline update (#14010)
  • #web [VPB-1495] limit width of pipeline tag in header (#14062)
  • #web [OBS-246] Use Phosphor icons via react-icons (#14098)
web-2024-04-10-17-06-38 - Wednesday, April 10 2024, 16:28 UTC
  • #web [OBS-306] Fix disabled option selection in edit-monitor-form (#14096)
  • #web [OBS-208] Enable strict mode for react dev (#14089)
  • #web [OBS-304] Handle error thrown during redirection (#14086)
web-2024-04-09-01-38-35 - Tuesday, April 9 2024, 00:50 UTC
  • #web [OBS-303] Fix creating rehydrations (for Box) (#14079)
web-2024-04-05-18-10-27 - Friday, April 5 2024, 17:59 UTC
  • #web [VPB-1509] added CN updates available state to Pipelines table (#14007)
  • #web remove custom Accordion component from Filters widget (#14057)
  • #web [VPB-1503] node test view is now full screen and always enabled (#14036)
  • #web #grafana [OBS-264] Simplify passing time filter to grafana (#14056)
  • #web remove Dropdown component completely (#14053)
  • #web replace some instances of Dropdown component with Select component (#14038)
web-2024-04-04-20-45-45 - Thursday, April 4 2024, 17:31 UTC
  • #web [VPB-1453] Implement Pipeline Sources table (#13973)
  • #web Remove distinct dimensions check for redirecting from root url (#14031)
  • #web #tool #ci [OBS-152] More coverage for shared types (#14006)
  • #web remove custom Input wrappers and use Mantine defaults (#14000)
web-2024-04-04-12-34-41 - Wednesday, April 3 2024, 20:30 UTC
  • #web [OBS-245] replace thumbs icons with pills (#14004)
  • #web [OBS-244] close btn styling (#14002)
  • #web #grafana [OBS-264] Pass relative times values to grafana (#13998)
web-2024-04-02-20-32-11 - Tuesday, April 2 2024, 20:22 UTC
  • #web improve check icon in checkbox (#13976)
  • #web fix some issues with design system and default Mantine styling (#13971)
  • #web [vpb-1452] Fix light mode for onboarding modal (#13975)
  • #web #api #tool [OBS-152] Use shared schema in stats, logs, knowledge and facets types (#13968)
  • #web [OBS-203] New checkbox and radio visuals (#13952)
  • #web [VPB-1452] Implement new Pipeline Onboarding Page Modal (#13872)
  • #web #tool [OBS-152] Use shared schema for rehydrations, agent-configs and patterns (#13895)
web-2024-03-28-20-34-46 - Thursday, March 28 2024, 20:07 UTC
  • #web [VPB-1558] fix to no agents banner logic (#13922)
  • #web [OBS-148] e2e tests are not run in canary release if the tagged commit does not have web changes (#13920)
  • #web [VPB-1555] updated agent upgrade pill/banner logic (#13919)
  • #web use owner field as callback when user email is missing (#13918)
  • #web add ability to render facets top-level in filters widget (#13915)
  • #web refactor and organize facets views and hooks (#13890)
  • #web [OBS-204] Badge redesign (#13893)
  • #web #api #tool [OBS-152] Use shared schema for monitors (#13892)
  • #web [OBS-242] Fix slider track missing for numerical sliders (#13889)
  • #web [OBS-195] Configure the document title to reflect the current page (#13874)
  • #web [OBS-201] Make dropdown selections work post mantine 7 upgrade (#13882)
  • #web [OBS-57] Archive ai-log-anomalies flag (#13875)
  • #web [OBS-239] Using column filters crashes the tables (#13876)
  • #web [OBS-128] Show preview when creating metric alerts (#13871)
  • #web fix storybook theme and update packages, and bring back hook stories (#13870)
  • #web [OBS-223] add leftConstrained layout mode to select pages (#13869)
  • #web improve overview page styling and show latest data (#13852)
web-2024-03-26-19-21-22 - Tuesday, March 26 2024, 15:16 UTC
  • #web remove timezone from monitors and screenshots (#13861)
  • #web [vpb-1540] Fix pipeline validation errors for nodes (#13848)
  • #web Revert Pencil Icon For Node Hover Actions (#13831)
  • #web fix navbar help menu (#13845)
  • #web simplify cluster samples modal (#13829)
  • #web [VPB-1491] Implement Notify modal when saving CN (#13802)
  • #web Fix comparision chart loading status (#13827)
web-2024-03-22-11-49-04 - Friday, March 22 2024, 11:27 UTC
  • #web [OBS-214] Fix workload details header positioning (#13825)
  • #web [OBS-214] Fix charts not loading withuout status (#13824)